Harry Styles causes chaos and joy while revealing a fan's baby gender at Wembley concert.

He handled the situation successfully and came out looking good.

June 16th 2023.

Harry Styles causes chaos and joy while revealing a fan's baby gender at Wembley concert.
Harry Styles continued his Love On Tour at Wembley into the weekend, thrilling thousands of Stylers with his renditions of smash hits Watermelon Sugar, Matilda and What Makes You Beautiful. The night was filled with memorable moments that will be remembered for a long time.

One particular moment that was especially unforgettable was when Harry noticed a fan in the standing area with a placard that caught his eye. He skipped down the runway, dressed in a glittery purple set of dungarees with black sequined love hearts, and asked, “Who’s pregnant?”

The fan, Alanna, was 18 weeks pregnant and was about to experience a very personal moment that she would never forget. She handed Harry an envelope and instructed him to open it and announce the gender of her child to the eagerly awaiting stadium.

Harry double-checked that Alanna was OK with sharing this moment with the crowd, and then proceeded to build the tension and suspense by teasing, “It’s a…” numerous times. With the entire stadium filled with anticipation, Harry finally screamed down his microphone, “It’s a boy!” and pumped his tattooed arm into the air before launching into song.

Elsewhere in the magical performance, Harry took time to help another fan come out to his best friend as bi-sexual. Reading a sign out loud that read “Help me come out to my bff as bi”, Harry spent a jovial few minutes talking to and getting to know Alfie. Adopting a fast-paced twinkle, he wrapped himself in an LGBTQ+ flag and began singing the chant: “We’re coming out tonight, we’re coming out tonight, we’re coming out tonight as bi”. He then screamed with fervour, “Alfie, you are officially bi… freedom!”

The show was a feather-boa infused spectacle, and it will take staff in the area more than a few clean-ups to rid the iconic venue of sparkle and feather debris. Harry admitted Wembley had a “special place in [his] heart” and hailed the touring extravaganza his “favourite tour [he had] ever done.”

Harry’s Love On Tour hit London with an almighty bang and created moments that will stay with fans and concert-goers for a lifetime. The show continues on Saturday night for its final leg of the London shows.

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