Hampshire hit by tornado causing destruction to trees and homes.

"I expected the doors and windows to be closed, but the noise was overwhelming."

September 21st 2024.

Hampshire hit by tornado causing destruction to trees and homes.
The residents of Hampshire were in for a frightening surprise yesterday when a tornado tore through their town, leaving a trail of destruction behind. The unexpected weather event hit Aldershot in the middle of the day, but thankfully, no one was injured. This comes at a time when the UK is facing severe weather warnings for thunderstorms and heavy rainfall.

According to the Tornado and Storm Research Organisation, the tornado had a length of 2km. Their investigator took to Twitter to share that the tornado had been given a preliminary rating of T1 or T2, which would classify it as a light or mild tornado. The suddenness and intensity of the storm caught many residents off guard.

One resident, Louise Le Poidevin, described her experience saying, "I was on my way home when I noticed the sky turning dark and the sound of thunder. As soon as I got home, the rain started pouring down and the wind was incredibly strong. I could see trees bending over and it was quite scary. Everything seemed to be lifted off the ground and there was a spiral of leaves swirling around."

Ms. Le Poidevin, who is a keen weather watcher, immediately recognized the signs of a tornado and was relieved that no one was hurt. She added, "It was a terrifying experience, and I couldn't believe it was happening in the middle of the day."

The tornado caused significant damage, including bringing down a chimney stack. The Hampshire and Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Service were quick to respond to the incident. They worked together with other agencies to ensure the safety of the affected areas. Rushmoor Borough Council also released a statement, mentioning that the tornado had damaged two blocks of flats and several trees. They reassured the public that they were working closely with all the partners to make the area safe.

Residents in the affected areas were startled by the unexpected weather event. Ms. Le Poidevin shared, "I thought the doors and windows would come in, the noise was terrifying. Then, a gazebo came flying over and landed on my neighbor's fence. But just as suddenly as it began, the tornado was gone after about 30-50 seconds."

In the aftermath of the storm, Alex Baker, the Labour MP for Aldershot, visited the affected areas to talk to the residents. He expressed his gratitude to the Rushmoor Fire Brigade and other teams for their quick response and efforts in helping with the clean-up. Despite the significant damage caused, it was a great community effort to ensure the safety of everyone involved.

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