Haitian pastor protects kids during crisis despite gang violence.

Haitian pastor protects 60+ kids from gang violence near Port Au Prince.

March 22nd 2024.

Haitian pastor protects kids during crisis despite gang violence.
In the midst of the tumultuous landscape of Haiti, where gang violence has ravaged communities and left many in despair, one man stands tall as a beacon of hope. Pastor Telemaque Vernet, a dedicated educator and Protestant pastor, has become a symbol of strength and resilience for over 60 children in the town of Canaan, located north of the capital city, Port-au-Prince. Despite the escalating chaos and danger, Vernet remains steadfast in his commitment to providing aid and sanctuary to those in need.

At the heart of Vernet's efforts is the Institution Mixte Lumière Celeste school and Église Du Christ Harmonie Des Rachetés, both of which have been deeply impacted by the recent surge in gang violence. Once a place of learning, the school has now become a safe haven for children who have lost their homes and families to the violence and turmoil engulfing their community. Vernet, who is 43 years old, oversees the school and works alongside his team of three teachers, as well as his wife, to teach, feed, and protect the children under their care.

Despite the challenges they face, Vernet and his team remain dedicated to their mission. However, Vernet laments, “We have a lot of people. Unfortunately, we don’t have any resources.” Despite this, they continue to work tirelessly, driven by their passion to make a positive impact on the lives of the children they serve. For many of these children, like Elie and Princile, Vernet's school is more than just a place of education; it is a sanctuary. As Elie testifies, “When there are shootings, we go to the pastor’s church and sleep there.”

The situation in Haiti has only worsened in recent months, with a state of emergency declared on March 4th after coordinated attacks by gangs. This has left many communities in turmoil, including Vernet's own town of Canaan, where his home was burned down on January 21, 2022. Despite this personal tragedy, Vernet and his family continue to shelter in the church, determined to protect the children under their care from the devastating effects of the crisis.

Despite his unwavering dedication, Vernet has faced challenges in receiving aid from global humanitarian organizations. “Personally, I’ve written letters to many organizations for aid, but they never respond,” he reveals. However, this lack of support has not deterred him from his mission. He remains resolute in his determination to help the children of Canaan, no matter the obstacles he may face.

In the face of adversity, Vernet's unwavering resolve shines through. “Although it is scary, even if it’s under a tent, I am committed to staying and won’t leave the town,” he asserts. His determination and resilience serve as a powerful example of the strength and courage that define his noble efforts amid Haiti's crisis. Pastor Telemaque Vernet truly stands as a beacon of hope and a source of inspiration for all those in his community and beyond.

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