Guest on Antiques Roadshow shocked by value of £45 watch, which is deemed extremely rare and receives a five-figure valuation.

What's the price?

July 28th 2024.

Guest on Antiques Roadshow shocked by value of £45 watch, which is deemed extremely rare and receives a five-figure valuation.
During a recent episode of Antiques Roadshow, one guest was in for the surprise of a lifetime when he brought in his old watch for appraisal. The BBC program is known for showcasing valuable treasures, whether it be a family heirloom or a sentimental piece of jewelry, but no one could have predicted the staggering value of this particular item.

The guest, who appeared on the show hosted by Fiona Bruce, presented an Omega Speedmaster Professional to expert Richard Price. Despite the watch having some scratches from extensive wear, Price immediately recognized its significance and rich history. He explained that it was commonly referred to as the "Moonwatch" because it was worn by astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin during the first moon landing in 1969.

As Price delved into the backstory of the watch, the guest shared that he had received it as a gift for his 21st birthday. He was serving in the Merchant Navy at the time and had asked his parents for a nice watch. A fellow sailor had recommended an Omega and offered to take him to a wholesaler in Hong Kong during their next port stop. This detail immediately caught Price's attention, as the watch originated from the Far East.

The guest then pulled out a postcard and receipt, proving that he had asked his parents to pay £45 for the watch while they were in Cape Town. Price noted that this was an "extremely rare" piece and was in awe of its excellent condition, despite never being reconditioned. He pointed out the unique red second hand, also known as the "Ultraman" mode, which was only produced for a few months in 1968 and mostly distributed in the Far East.

As Price teased the potential value of the watch, the guest could hardly believe what he was hearing. Price asked if it was more than a month's salary at the time, to which the guest confirmed it was. Price then revealed the estimated value of £30,000-£40,000, leaving the audience in shock and the guest with his jaw dropped.

The guest was thrilled and could hardly find the words to express his surprise. He confirmed that the watch was worth much more than his current monthly pension. Price joked that he would hold onto it because he may never come across another one in his lifetime.

The moment was a highlight of the episode, and viewers were left amazed by the incredible appraisal. It just goes to show that sometimes, the most unexpected items can hold the most significant value.

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