Grandmother in Melbourne hospital fighting flesh-eating ulcer.

A senior woman was quickly taken to the hospital when her condition declined.

June 7th 2024.

Grandmother in Melbourne hospital fighting flesh-eating ulcer.
A woman's mother, Carmel Rodrigo, who had recently moved to Melbourne to be with her daughter Gayathri Perera, has fallen critically ill and is currently in the hospital. This unfortunate turn of events came as a shock to the family as they were excited to have her visit for the first time from Sri Lanka, where she resides. Gayathri, along with her husband and three young children, had relocated to Essendon only a year ago.

It all started when Rodrigo suddenly fell ill just six months into her trip. Gayathri recalls her mother expressing symptoms of a fever, to which she gave her some Panadol and advised her to rest. However, as the day progressed, Rodrigo's condition worsened, and by 10pm, she was in excruciating pain. Gayathri tried everything she could to help ease her mother's pain, but nothing seemed to work. The next morning, Gayathri noticed her mother's hand had become infected, and she immediately took her to their general practitioner. To their surprise, the doctor stated that it was a severe case and that they needed to rush her to the hospital.

Gayathri was terrified as she watched her mother being admitted to Sunshine Hospital. The doctors assured her that they were doing everything they could to save her mother's life. They informed Gayathri that it was an infection, and they needed to perform surgery on her mother. By then, Rodrigo had become unconscious, and the doctors advised Gayathri to pray for her mother's recovery. Gayathri recalls the agonizing wait as the doctors tried to determine the type of infection her mother had contracted.

After three long days, the doctors finally discovered that Rodrigo had contracted a flesh-eating disease called Buruli ulcer. This was a record-high number of cases reported in Victoria last year, with over 363 cases being diagnosed. The disease, caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium ulcerans, attacks the skin cells, blood vessels, and fat under the skin, causing severe infections, ulcers, and skin loss. The news came as a nightmare to Gayathri and her family, and she could only pray that no one else would have to go through this ordeal.

To make matters worse, Rodrigo's condition had deteriorated to the point where her left hand had to be amputated. Gayathri shares that her mother is still in immense pain, and they have had to sedate her for comfort. With medical costs estimated to be over $200,000, the family has started a fundraiser to help them get through this difficult time. Gayathri expresses her family's financial struggles and how difficult it has been to manage with three children while also dealing with her mother's medical expenses.

In conclusion, this has been a trying time for Gayathri and her family, who never would have thought that their mother's trip to visit them would turn into such a nightmare. They are grateful for the support and prayers they have received and hope that no one else has to suffer from this devastating disease.

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