Government in trouble after new survey shows negative outlook

The possibility of a minority government is becoming more likely, as shown by the latest poll results.

August 18th 2024.

Government in trouble after new survey shows negative outlook
According to a recent poll conducted by the Australian Financial Review and Freshwater Strategy, it seems that Labor may not have an easy road to majority government in the upcoming election. The survey revealed that the Coalition is currently leading Labor by a narrow margin of 51-49 on a two-party preferred basis, marking the second month in a row that the opposition has been in the lead.

One noteworthy finding from the poll is that a majority of respondents, 59%, believe that the country is heading in the wrong direction. This is in stark contrast to the 28% who think otherwise. Additionally, the government's handling of defense and national security has also faced criticism from voters, with a six percent increase in disapproval in those areas. On the other hand, the Coalition has seen a four percent rise in approval for their management of these issues.

Interestingly, Labor has seen an improvement in their standing with voters when it comes to the cost of living, which was identified as the most important issue for voters. While the Coalition still holds a strong lead on this issue with 35% approval compared to Labor's 28%, there has been a five percent increase in approval for the opposition in the past month. Similarly, the gap between the two parties in terms of economic management has also shrunk by three percent, with the Coalition currently leading by 39% to 26%.

In terms of preferred prime minister, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese still holds a lead over Liberal leader Peter Dutton, with 45% of respondents preferring him compared to 41% for Dutton. However, this gap has also been narrowing in recent months. Based on these current poll numbers, it seems that if an election were to be held today, Labor would be pushed into a minority government.

It's worth noting that the next federal election is scheduled to take place by May of next year. Until then, it will be interesting to see how these poll numbers may change and how they will ultimately impact the outcome of the election. For all the latest updates on breaking news, celebrity news, and sports, be sure to follow us on WhatsApp. Our channel offers a private and secure platform for staying informed without any unwanted comments or algorithms. Join us today and stay in the know!

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