Government and online publishers are talking about sharing ad profits with major tech companies.

The government discussed a revenue-sharing plan with online news publishers and other departments in response to the Digital News Publishers Association's request.

June 12th 2024.

Government and online publishers are talking about sharing ad profits with major tech companies.
On Wednesday, the government held a meeting with online news publishers and other related departments to discuss the Digital News Publishers Association's request for a revenue-sharing agreement with big tech companies like Google and Meta. The meeting was led by Information and Broadcasting Secretary Sanjay Jaju and was attended by representatives from the DNPA and other government departments.

The DNPA had approached the government with a plea to establish a revenue-sharing mechanism with major technology companies. These companies often aggregate and distribute content created by others and earn money from the internet traffic that is generated. The DNPA believes that this practice has been negatively impacting the digital news publishing industry.

Countries like Australia and Canada have already taken legal measures to ensure that big technology companies pay local news publishers for the content used by their platforms. In light of this, the meeting convened by Jaju aimed to understand the concerns raised by the DNPA and reach a consensus on a legal framework that would address issues like unfair competition, imbalance of bargaining power, and sharing of advertising revenue between technology companies, intermediaries, and Indian digital news publishers.

The DNPA, which represents India's top 18 news publishers, has been advocating for a fair distribution of revenue from big tech companies for the content they publish. They believe that this is essential for the growth and sustainability of the digital news industry in India.

The meeting was a step towards addressing the concerns raised by the DNPA and finding a mutually beneficial solution for all parties involved. The government remains committed to supporting the growth of the digital news industry in India and ensuring a level playing field for all stakeholders.

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