Gobbo regrets becoming a snitch for legal cases.

A woman accuses police of negligence for manipulating her to become an informant in late 2005.

October 7th 2024.

Gobbo regrets becoming a snitch for legal cases.
During her testimony in the Victorian Supreme Court, gangland barrister Nicola Gobbo admitted that she was foolish for agreeing to become a police informer while also representing notorious gangland figures. Gobbo is currently suing the State of Victoria for damages, claiming that the police were negligent in their actions.

The civil trial, which is being heard by a judge alone, has entered its seventh day. In her evidence on Monday, Gobbo acknowledged that it was a mistake to work as a police informer while also representing clients like Tony Mokbel. She told the court, "I was an idiot. I shouldn't have done it, but at the time, it seemed like a solution to my problems, even though it didn't turn out to be one. It was like I was given a lifeline - do this, help us, and we'll fix the problem."

According to Gobbo, her life seemed to improve between 2010 and 2013, and her health also improved. However, everything fell apart again when she was revealed as Lawyer X and Informer 3838. She shared with the court, "Obviously, now there is no end in sight to put this behind me." Gobbo has spent the years following her exposure moving between secret locations with her children.

Despite the difficulties she has faced, the 51-year-old remains hopeful that she can eventually have a life filled with purpose and meaning. She expressed, "I would like to think that at some point, the events of the past can be finished, and I can actually move towards a future." Gobbo's image has been kept hidden from public view during the trial, with only Justice Melinda Richards and the lawyers able to see her as she gives her testimony.

Today, Gobbo will be cross-examined by the state's barrister, Bernard Quinn KC. It remains to be seen how her testimony will impact the outcome of the trial.

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