Giant spiders with sting-like bites take over UK houses due to rainy season.

Invasive species have a painful bite and are currently spreading.

August 30th 2024.

Giant spiders with sting-like bites take over UK houses due to rainy season.
As the UK's summer comes to an end, we may see a surge of giant spiders making their way into our homes. The wet weather has created the perfect environment for these creatures to breed, and their presence is expected to increase in the coming weeks. These spiders, known as false widows, are notorious for their painful bites that have been likened to a wasp sting.

The venom of false widow spiders can cause swelling and fever, similar to a burn, but fortunately, it is not deadly. However, their mating season, which is about to begin, means that we may see more of them lurking around our houses. This breeding period usually peaks in mid-October and can last until November. During this time, male spiders are often seen wandering in search of a female to mate with.

As the temperature drops, spiders are also drawn to the warmth of our homes, making it even more likely for them to enter. But despite their intimidating appearance, false widow spiders are not aggressive towards humans, as confirmed by The Wildlife Trusts. They are more focused on finding a mate than causing harm to humans. So, there's no need to fear these spiders, even if you are an arachnophobe.

However, it is important to note that false widows can still bite if they feel threatened or are handled roughly. The larger species, such as the cupboard spider and the noble false widow, are more likely to be able to break through human skin. But even in those cases, bites are rare and are often compared to a wasp sting. In some rare cases, the bite may cause some discomfort for a short time.

To prevent these spiders from making their way into our homes, it is advised to seal or patch up any cracks or gaps in windows during the breeding period. These spiders can fit through small openings, so it's essential to be cautious. But on a brighter note, the weather forecast for today is sunny and warm, with temperatures reaching up to 24°C across London and the southeast. So, let's enjoy the sunshine while keeping an eye out for any eight-legged visitors.

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