Getting married is negatively impacting my desire for sex.

I am not feeling like it.

September 20th 2024.

Getting married is negatively impacting my desire for sex.
Austin often feels like he doesn't have enough personal space from his partner. He is a freelancer from Cardiff, and is currently in a long-distance relationship with his girlfriend Laura from Tennessee. They have been together since February 2024 and are planning to get married within the next six months to make it easier for Laura to move to the UK. However, the constant talk about visas and legal issues has put their relationship on "fast-forward" and has made Austin feel a bit disconnected.

When they are together, they have sex at least three times a week. Austin enjoys the intimate moments with Laura, but sometimes he finds himself losing interest, especially when he is feeling anxious, irritable, or depressed. These moods have been more frequent lately, with the constant discussions about visas dominating their conversations. Austin wishes their sex life could be more carefree, and he sometimes gets in his own head about whether they are doing it enough or if he is enjoying it enough.

Without further ado, let's take a look at how Austin's week went.

It was their final day in Italy and they hadn't seen each other for a full month. Austin and Laura had decided to meet in Florence for a week away. After a month of being apart, their reunion was filled with passionate sex, something they both needed. While they had kept the fire alive with a few virtual sessions over WhatsApp, it just wasn't the same as being together in person. Austin couldn't help but worry that he might accidentally add someone else to the call, making the experience less enjoyable.

With the scorching heat in Florence, they spent the late morning in their air-conditioned hotel room before heading to a luxury spa in the afternoon. As they were getting ready for their lunchtime siesta, Laura asked Austin, in her soothing southern accent, if she could pleasure him. Austin was drawn to her forwardness and happily obliged. However, just seconds before his orgasm, Laura stopped and asked if he was bored. Austin assured her that he wasn't, but he couldn't help but feel a bit fatigued from the heat. In an effort to spice things up, she jumped on top of him for a ride instead. Despite trying to look interested, Austin couldn't help but feel a bit disconnected from the moment. After an orgasm for him and three for her, he reflected on their relationship. While he loved Laura and the idea of marriage, he couldn't help but feel like things were moving too fast. They had only been together for seven months, and most of their long-distance conversations revolved around visas, lawyers, and finances. The initial magic of their relationship had faded, and Austin couldn't help but feel a bit disconnected.

He shared his feelings with Laura, and she understood. They made a point not to discuss immigration stuff for a while, and Austin felt a bit relieved.

It was a bad day. After packing their suitcases, Austin and Laura left Florence at 7am and didn't arrive back in Cardiff until almost 6pm. The relaxing spa afternoon they had just the day before felt like a distant memory. Unfortunately, their journey back to the UK was filled with flight delays and roadworks, making it take almost 11 hours. On top of that, they had to go through a tense chat with a Border Force officer upon entering the UK. While Laura was doing nothing wrong, the many questions and added stress just added to Austin's low mood.

Exhausted and miserable, they finally arrived at Austin's house. Laura was staying with him for a few days until she found a place to rent. This meant that Austin didn't have the personal space he needed to decompress after a long day. To make matters worse, Laura started talking about visa issues again, and Austin snapped at her, telling her to "shut up." He instantly felt awful for his outburst, as they rarely argue. It was a clear sign that they both needed some alone time. Austin retreated to the spare room for dinner, while Laura went for a walk.

The time alone did them both good, and when Laura returned, they hugged and talked things out. However, they were both so tired and not feeling very sexy, so they just collapsed into bed and slept for eight hours.
Austin had been feeling like he needed more space from his partner on occasion. While he loved his girlfriend Laura deeply, the long-distance aspect of their relationship could be challenging at times. They had been together since February 2024 and were planning to get married in the next six months, which would make it easier for Laura to move to the UK from her home in Tennessee. When they were able to see each other, their sex life was amazing and they would have sex at least three times a week. However, as Austin got older, he found himself losing interest in intimacy when he was feeling anxious, irritable, or depressed.

The constant talks about visas and legal issues had put their relationship on a fast forward pace, which sometimes killed the mood for Austin. He longed for their sex life to be more carefree and less focused on the practicalities of their situation. He often found himself questioning if they were having enough sex or if he was enjoying it enough. His low moods also made him feel guilty when Laura was always ready for intimacy.

Without further ado, here's how Austin's week went...

It was their final day in Italy. After a month of being apart, Austin and Laura had reunited in Florence for a week away. The reunion was filled with passionate and much-needed sex. They had tried to have virtual sessions over WhatsApp, but it never felt quite the same. Plus, Austin was always worried he might accidentally add someone else to the call. With the heat in Florence reaching close to 40°C, they spent the morning in their air-conditioned hotel room before heading to a luxury spa in the afternoon. As they were getting ready for a siesta, Laura asked in her soothing southern accent, "Can I suck your dick?" Austin loved her forwardness and happily obliged. However, just seconds before his orgasm, she stopped and asked if he looked bored. Austin reassured her that he was enjoying it, but he was just a bit tired from the heat. Laura didn't seem convinced and jumped on top of him for a ride instead. Austin did his best to look interested, but he couldn't help feeling a bit disconnected. While he loved Laura and the idea of marriage, he couldn't shake the feeling that things were moving too fast. They had only been together for seven months, and most of their long-distance conversations revolved around visas, lawyers, and finances. It all felt a bit clinical and the initial magic was starting to fade. He opened up to Laura about his feelings and she understood, promising to not discuss immigration for a while.

It was a bad day. After packing their suitcases, they left Florence at 7am and didn't arrive back in Cardiff until 6pm due to flight delays and roadworks. To make matters worse, they had to go through a tense questioning from a Border Force officer upon entering the UK. While Laura wasn't doing anything wrong, the whole situation added to Austin's low mood. They finally arrived at his house, exhausted and miserable. Laura was staying with him for a few days until she could move into her own rental accommodation, but she hadn't sorted a place yet. This meant that Austin didn't have the space he needed to decompress after a long day. Instead, Laura started talking about visa issues again and he snapped, telling her to shut up. He immediately regretted it and felt awful. They didn't usually argue, so this outburst was a clear sign that they both needed some alone time. Austin went to the spare room to eat dinner and Laura went for a walk. When she returned, they hugged and talked things out. However, they were both too tired and not feeling very sexy, so they just went to bed and slept for a solid eight hours.

The next two days were a blur of work for Austin and more talks about visas for Laura. They had their moments of intimacy, but it was clear that both of them were still feeling exhausted and disconnected. They both needed a break from the stress of their situation.

Finally, the weekend arrived and they had some much-needed time to relax. They took a walk in the park, had a picnic, and caught up on each other's lives. It was a much-needed break from the constant talk of visas and legalities. In the evening, they cooked dinner together and shared a bottle of wine. They ended the night with a passionate and carefree lovemaking session.

As their time together was coming to an end, they made the most of it. They went out for a fancy dinner and drinks, holding hands and laughing like they used to. When they got home, they couldn't keep their hands off each other. It was a perfect end to their week together.

It was time for Laura to leave. They both felt sad, but also a sense of relief. The week had been a rollercoaster of emotions, but they had made it through. They promised to keep in touch and plan their next visit as soon as possible. Austin was grateful for the break from the visa talk and felt more connected to Laura after their weekend together. They may have their challenges, but their love for each other was strong and they were determined to make it work.

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