Get ready for the week ahead with your tarot horoscope reading for July 14-21.

Prepare for the upcoming week.

July 14th 2024.

Get ready for the week ahead with your tarot horoscope reading for July 14-21.
Get ready for a new week as we enter into a powerful time of change and growth. With Mars moving into Gemini and a Full Moon in Capricorn, you may feel a surge of energy and ambition. This is the perfect opportunity to set new goals and take control of your life. Whether it's rewriting your story or taking a leap of faith, now is the time to broaden your horizons and own the consequences.

Aries, it's time for radical honesty. The Ace of Swords tarot card suggests that it's time to speak your truth and let go of anything that's been holding you back. Have an important conversation with someone and be patient and understanding as they may also have their own version of this situation. By being honest and open, you can build a stronger foundation for the future.

Taurus, what do you truly want for your future? The Nine of Cups tarot card encourages you to pursue your heartfelt dreams and make a bold move towards them this week. Visualize your goals and take action as if they are already within reach. Trust that the Universe will align things in your favor and bring you opportunities that you couldn't have imagined.

Gemini, this week is all about protecting yourself. The Knight of Coins tarot card suggests setting new boundaries, whether it be physical or emotional. Take a look at where you may be vulnerable and make changes to strengthen your defenses. By doing so, you can prevent future stress and worry.

Cancer, give yourself credit where credit is due. The Strength tarot card reminds you to embrace your strengths and talents. Don't brush off compliments or downplay your abilities. Use your unique skills and experiences to align your work and ambitions with what you enjoy doing. By doing what you love, you can achieve success more easily.

Leo, it's time to face a troublesome situation head-on. The Five of Wands tarot card urges you to get to the root cause of any conflicts or tensions. By doing so, you can make lasting changes and free yourself from any recurring issues. This may also earn you praise and bring a sense of relief.

Virgo, consider your place in this world. The Chariot tarot card suggests questioning whether you are in the right places to thrive. This could include your home, work, social life, and more. If you're looking for a change, now is the time to make it happen. Book a trip or seek new horizons to open yourself up to new opportunities.
Are you ready for a fresh start this week? With Mars moving into Gemini and a Full Moon in Capricorn, the energy is buzzing with power and potential. You may feel a surge of confidence and ambition, ready to take on new challenges and pursue your goals. It's time to step up, take control, and broaden your horizons. This is the perfect window of opportunity to make bold moves and rewrite your story for the future.

So, what does the tarot have to say about all of this? Let's take a look at what's in store for each zodiac sign.

Aries (March 21 to April 20): It's time for some radical honesty. The Ace of Swords is urging you to speak your truth and let go of anything that you've been holding back. Don't be afraid to have important conversations and express your true feelings. This honesty will serve you well in the long run and bring you closer to your future self.

Taurus (April 21 to May 21): What do you really want for your future? The Nine of Cups is encouraging you to pursue your deepest desires and make a big leap this week. Visualize your dreams, act as if they're already within your grasp, and take active steps towards them. The universe will respond to your intentions and bring you unexpected opportunities and good fortune.

Gemini (May 22 to June 21): This week is all about setting boundaries and protecting yourself. The Knight of Coins is reminding you to be mindful of your personal space and emotional well-being. Take action to defend yourself from any intrusion or imbalances in your life. This could mean setting physical boundaries or re-evaluating your relationships and commitments.

Cancer (June 22 to July 23): It's time to give yourself some credit. The Strength card is highlighting your unique talents and strengths. Don't brush off compliments or downplay your abilities. Embrace what makes you special and use it to your advantage. Align your work, projects, and ambitions with your core talents, and you will see success and satisfaction.

Leo (July 24 to August 23): Are you ready to face a troublesome situation head-on? The Five of Wands is encouraging you to confront any conflicts or issues that have been causing tension and stress. Take a step back and analyze the root cause of the problem. By addressing the source, you can make lasting changes and free yourself from a pattern of irritation.

Virgo (August 24 to September 23): The Chariot is asking you to think about your place and position in the world. Are you in the right environment to thrive? This could include your home, work, social life, and even travel plans. If you've been considering a move or change of scenery, now is the time to take action. You may find that new opportunities and experiences await you in a new location.

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