Get ready for the week ahead with a tarot horoscope reading! Discover what's in store from August 26 to September 1.

Prepare for the upcoming week.

August 25th 2024.

Get ready for the week ahead with a tarot horoscope reading! Discover what's in store from August 26 to September 1.
It's time to gear up for a brand new week, my friends! As we enter the season of Virgo and Venus moves into Libra, we are blessed with the ability to approach important conversations with tact and practicality. This is the perfect opportunity to address any necessary changes or improvements in our lives. So, take a moment to think about what you need to work on and who you might need to turn to for help, input, or permission. Don't be afraid to have those dialogues, but remember to rehearse and prepare beforehand. When approached with an open heart and directness, these conversations are sure to go well and yield positive results. And for some extra guidance, let the tarot cards guide you towards who and what needs to be discussed.

Let's start with our Aries friends. This week, the tarot card that represents you is Strength. This is a reminder to tap into your inner power and focus on positive self-development and character building. It could be something as simple as asking for help, feedback, or a new challenge. Whatever it may be, trust that you have what it takes to conquer it and the long-term benefits to your self-esteem and confidence will be invaluable. For more insights on being an Aries, be sure to check out our guide.

Taurus, it's time to rebalance the scales. The Justice card is your guide this week, reminding you that there may be an injustice or unfair influence in your life that needs to be addressed. Whether it's something that has already passed or an ongoing issue, don't be afraid to stand up for yourself and speak your truth. Your voice matters and you deserve to feel heard and vindicated. For more on being a Taurus, head to our guide.

Gemini, it's time to stop procrastinating. The Nine of Wands card is here to remind you that it's time to take action and start those important dialogues that you've been putting off. Don't be afraid to ask for guidance and express yourself. You may find that the issues you've been dreading aren't as big as they seem and everything will go much smoother than you anticipated. For more insights on being a Gemini, check out our guide.

Cancer, it's time to be bold and ask for what you want. The Two of Coins card represents your desire for expansion and a greater say in your ambitions. Don't be afraid to ask for more and trust that the Universe is on your side. New opportunities will arise to help you reach your goals, but you have to speak up and ask for them. For more on being a Cancer, head to our guide.

Leo, luck is on your side this week. The Six of Wands card symbolizes a winning streak and a lucky phase. So, use this positive energy to your advantage. Line up the people who can help you achieve your goals and come up with a strategic plan to make things happen. This is your time to shine and make things happen, so don't waste it. To learn more about being a Leo, check out our guide.

For our dear Virgo friends, it's time to put the past behind you. The Queen of Swords card represents an older woman in your life with whom you may have had some tension or disagreements. This week, try reaching out and mending any rifts. You may be surprised by the response you receive and there may be something important that needs to be discussed. For more insights on being a Virgo, head to our guide.

So, my friends, let's make the most of this week and have those necessary conversations. With the guidance of the tarot cards and our own inner strength and determination, we can make positive changes and grow as individuals. Let's go out there and conquer the week ahead!
Are you prepared for a new week? With Virgo season and Venus in Libra, you'll have the grace and practicality to engage in important conversations that will lead to necessary changes and progress. Take some time to think about what areas you need to work on and who can offer their help, input, or permission. Then, go ahead and have that dialogue. It might be helpful to practice and prepare beforehand, but remember to approach the conversation with an open heart and directness. Trust that this will go well and bring about positive results. And if you're not sure who or what to discuss, let the tarot guide you.

For Aries, this week is all about building on your strengths. The tarot card for this week is Strength, which encourages you to consider the most empowering and positive way to develop yourself or build your character. Once you've identified it, don't hesitate to take action. You have what it takes to overcome any challenge, and the long-term boost to your self-esteem and confidence will be invaluable. This could mean asking for help, feedback, a promotion, or a new challenge. Or perhaps it's setting a goal and holding yourself accountable to achieve it. Whatever it is, don't hold back and go after it with enthusiasm.

Taurus, it's time to rebalance the scales. The Justice card appears for you this week, indicating that there may have been an injustice or unfair situation that needs to be addressed. This could be something that has already passed, but the negative feelings linger. Or it could be an ongoing issue that needs to be confronted. Either way, it's important to stand up and make your voice heard. Speak your truth, and you'll feel vindicated.

Gemini, procrastination is not your friend this week. The Nine of Wands card advises you to tackle whatever task or conversation you've been avoiding for the past few months. Don't be afraid to take action, ask for guidance, and express yourself. The situation may not be as daunting as you've built it up to be in your mind, and things will likely go smoother than you anticipate. So, don't waste any more time and just deal with it.

For Cancer, it's time to be bold and ask for what you want. The Two of Coins suggests that you desire expansion, whether it's in your work, ambitions, or influence. Don't be afraid to ask for more, as the Universe supports your growth right now. Be confident and positive in your requests, and be open to new opportunities and ways to achieve your goals.

Leo, luck is on your side this week. The Six of Wands card indicates that you're entering a favorable phase where everything seems to be falling into place. Use this to your advantage by aligning yourself with people who can help you achieve your desires. Make a strategic plan to make the most of this fortunate time.

Virgo, it's time to move past any tension or disagreement you may have with an older woman in your life. The Queen of Swords suggests that there's something you need to talk about, and now is the time to do it. Reach out and show an interest in reconnecting with this person. You may be surprised by their response, and it could lead to a productive conversation that resolves any lingering issues.

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