Get ready for PlayStation's summer showcase - Reader's Feature shares what's in store.

A fan hopes for new first-party games in Sony's summer showcase, but it remains to be seen if his wish will be granted.

May 12th 2024.

Get ready for PlayStation's summer showcase - Reader's Feature shares what's in store.
Will this year bring more excitement and new games than last year?
Many gamers are eagerly anticipating Sony's big summer preview showcase, hoping for some exciting new first party games. With all the recent news surrounding Xbox, now would be the perfect time for Sony to capitalize on their competitor's weaknesses and announce a slew of amazing new titles, along with some enticing reasons to buy the highly sought-after PS5 Pro. However, as we all know, the games industry can be unpredictable and full of surprises, so it's hard to say for sure what will happen.

Xbox has been struggling to keep up this generation, but Sony has yet to make a move to finish them off. There seems to be a lack of killer instinct on Sony's part, and with their recent release schedule drying up, it's clear that they have been focusing on their new live service obsession. It's uncertain what their plans are, especially since their former boss Jim Ryan has left the company. Will they announce a new boss during their summer preview showcase? I wish I could say for sure, but unfortunately, I'm not psychic. However, I do have some thoughts on what they should do.

Introducing a new boss would be a welcome surprise. However, it could also be a double-edged sword if they turn out to be like the smarmy Xbox-style con artists we've seen before. It would be great to have someone sensible and reserved at the helm, but at this point, I'll take anyone over no one at all.

One thing that is almost certain to be discussed is the highly anticipated PS5 Pro. But instead of getting lost in technical jargon, Sony should focus on showcasing games that truly take advantage of the console's capabilities. We don't need a Digital Foundry-style presentation in the middle of an E3-style showcase. Show us games that can only be experienced on the PS5 Pro and make it clear that this is a significant step up from the base model. And please, don't just vaguely mention that it will be better for games like GTA 6 – show us a side-by-side comparison of the game on the PlayStation 5 and the PS5 Pro.

Of course, the most exciting part of any showcase is the announcement of new games. We already know about the highly anticipated Wolverine game, so including that in the lineup is great. But it can't be the only thing. And let's not have a showcase full of live service games – we know that many longtime fans are not interested in them, even if they end up playing them. If all we see are Wolverine and live service games, it will look like Sony has given up on creating new single-player experiences.

I'm not asking for Sony to admit their mistakes over the past few years, but they need to announce at least three brand new first party games – even if they're just pre-rendered trailers. And preferably, these should be new IPs, not just sequels or licensed games. I don't want another Horizon or God of War – I want something completely new and truly next-gen.

Lastly, I want to see Sony prove that they are still the top dog in the industry. Their star has been slipping lately, and it's time for them to make a comeback. I want to see big announcements from other publishers, not just at the Summer Game Fest. With the loss of Call of Duty, let's see who else Sony can partner with. I would love to see GTA 6, but also some new Japanese games and timed exclusives. Some may complain about timed exclusives, but Sony knows how to pick them and it shows that they have the influence and that buying a PlayStation was the right choice.

At the end of the day, I just want to feel the same level of excitement about owning a PlayStation 5 that I did when I first bought it. The past two years have been confusing, and I'm not sure what's been going on behind the scenes. Do I think all of my suggestions will come to fruition? Probably not, but it's what I believe Sony should do to get back on top.

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