Get ready for our spiciest burger yet - it's topped with a scorpion and requires a waiver!

Australia's spiciest burger features a scorching hot chilli and a real scorpion on top.

June 11th 2024.

Get ready for our spiciest burger yet - it's topped with a scorpion and requires a waiver!
The burger that's making headlines in Australia is not for the faint of heart. It's called the "Scorpion Death Wish" and it's causing quite a stir. This fiery creation is not your average burger - it's laced with one of the hottest chillies in the world and topped with a real scorpion. Yes, you read that right. A real scorpion. It's no wonder it's being hailed as Australia's hottest burger.

To get your hands on this intimidating burger, you must first sign a waiver. That's how hot it is. 9News Queensland reporter Pat Heagney was brave enough to take on the challenge and the result was a face full of tears, a glass of milk, and a round of applause. The Scorpion Death Wish is no joke.

Burger Urge's chief commercial officer Tom Webb revealed that the burger had to be lab tested in Thailand to ensure its safety. "It certainly is Australia's first scorpion burger and probably the first scorpion burger on earth," he said proudly. And it's not just any scorpion - it's a giant Asian forest scorpion. This burger is not for the faint of heart.

Des and Charlie, two courageous individuals from Brisbane, were the first to try out the Scorpion Death Wish at Burger Urge in Windsor. They were admittedly "nervous but excited" but the burger proved to be too much for them to handle. The burger boasts a salad base, two beef patties, Moruga Scorpion chilli purée, the "Death Wish" sauce, and of course, the giant Asian forest scorpion on top.

If you're curious about just how hot this burger is, let's do some calculations. On the Scoville scale, which measures chilli heat, Sriracha sauce ranks at about 2500 units, Tabasco at 5000, and jalapenos can go up to 8000. Thai chilies can reach a whopping 50,000-100,000 units while the infamous ghost pepper can go beyond 1 million. Burger Urge claims that the sauce alone on the Scorpion Death Wish packs a punch of 2 million units, making the total burger a terrifying 2.3 million units. That's enough to make your taste buds scream for mercy.

If you're feeling brave enough to take on this challenge, the Scorpion Death Wish is only available for two Saturdays - this week and the next. So if you're up for the ultimate spicy burger experience, head over to Burger Urge and try it out. Just don't forget to sign the waiver first. And maybe have a glass of milk on hand. You'll need it.

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