Get Out The Crowd

Most politicians work on getting out the vote, driving the voters in their party to the polls to vote for them. In the USA we will only see 60-70% of registered voters cast a vote — a bloody inexcusable miserable performance — so if you can get YOUR voters out, you can win.

BTW, believe it or not, there are still millions of “eligible voters” who are unregistered and every year a new crop of voters becomes eligible to vote.


But, this post today is not about GOTV (get out the vote), but the seeming war of crowd sizes and the lengths that candidates will go to brag about their crowd size.

Crowd size, Big Red Car, really?

Yes, dear reader, not only do the candidates love to see a big crowd, but the media reports on it in glowing terms.

So, what’s the big deal, Big Red Car?

Ahhh, the big deal? Yes, what is the big deal?

It seems that the Kamala Harris campaign has been falsifying its campaign attendance and bussing attendees in in order to fill the seats.

Pshaw, you say, dear reader?

It’s the cell phones, baby, the cell phones

Well, here’s the rub, dear reader, there is technology that allows a smart person to track the home base of a cell phone.

So, if an attendee at a Charlotte, North Carolina Kamala Harris rally lives in Atlanta or Savannah, Georgia, you can see that they are in the crowd in Charlotte.

Independently, you can ascertain that buses came from both Atlanta and Savannah to deposit those attendees.

No way, Big Red Car

Yes, way, dear reader.

 1. The Kamala Harris campaign had a rally last Thursday in Charlotte, a wildly Dem city in western North Carolina, at the Bojangles Coliseum.

 2. The Kamala Harris campaign claimed that “almost 10,000 people attended.” (Cough, cough.) Other reports based on photographic evidence indicated the number was more like 5,000.

 3. There were 5,003 cell phones — including persons such as security or janitorial staff, everybody — detected in that arena. This seems to support the lower attendance number.

 4. Of that 5,003 cell phones, approximately 3,600 had an Atlanta address and 720 had a Savannah address.

 5. There’s more: 90% of the cell phones identified have been to more than 3 rallies since Kamala became the nominee. This is a sort of glaring bit of data, no?

 6. 54% of the cell phones identified had been to rallies in Nevada and Arizona.

 7. The internet is filled with videos of lines of busses arriving and disembarking persons at the rally.

Bottom line it, Big Red Car

Like a lot of things about Kamala Harris, this seems to be a manufactured crowd.

Kamala was never exposed to the rigor of a primary campaign, nobody from any state voted for her, she never won the nomination from the voters, and she was completely unvetted until the Dem power elite decided to make Joe Biden walk the plank and anointed Kamala as his successor.

She’s a fraud and I am not surprised her crowds are manipulated.

But, hey, what the Hell do I really know anyway? I’m just a Big Red Car.

Have a great weekend. Watch some college football. Give your brain a rest and call a loved one and speak to them. God bless us all.
