Germany and Denmark soccer match halted due to severe storm during Euro 2024.

Game restarted quickly after 15 mins due to severe thunder and lightning.

June 29th 2024.

Germany and Denmark soccer match halted due to severe storm during Euro 2024.
As the highly anticipated Euro 2024 match between Germany and Denmark kicked off, the heavens above the stadium suddenly opened up. Dark clouds rolled in and the sound of thunder echoed across the city of Dortmund. With lightning flashing in the sky, English referee Michael Oliver made the decision to temporarily halt the game.

Both teams were led off the pitch after just 34 minutes of play, seeking shelter from the raging storm. Fans in the stands were drenched as torrential rain poured down, creating huge waterfalls that crashed through the roof of the Westfalenstadion. Even hail stones joined in on the chaos, adding to the already chaotic scene.

As the players and officials huddled in the dressing rooms, the stadium, which is home to Bundesliga giants Borussia Dortmund, was left leaking and in disarray. However, despite the chaos, a few die-hard fans could still be seen braving the elements and singing in the rain. It was a truly remarkable sight to witness.

After a delay of approximately 20 minutes, the game was given the green light to resume. The players emerged from the dressing rooms, re-energized and ready to continue the match. With the rain still coming down, they took to the field for a brief warm-up before the game officially recommenced at 9pm BST.

Meanwhile, the loyal fans in the stands danced and celebrated during the stoppage, making the most of the unexpected break in play. It was a scene of camaraderie and unity, as everyone came together to ride out the storm. After a total of 23 minutes of stoppage time, the game finally resumed and both teams were eager to get back on the field and continue the intense battle for victory. Stay tuned for more updates on this exciting match.

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