Georgia teenager graduates college before high school.

A young graduate is determined to attend an HBCU.

May 29th 2024.

Georgia teenager graduates college before high school.
Meet Georgia's NeeAli Scott, a bright and determined 17-year-old who recently accomplished a monumental feat. Not only did she graduate from Savannah Arts Academy with her high school diploma, but she also earned an associate's degree from Savannah State University - all before even turning 18!

It's an achievement that certainly didn't come easy for Scott. She had to balance a rigorous course load at both the college and high school level, all while juggling extracurricular activities and a part-time job at the Frank Callen Boys and Girls Club in Savannah. When asked about the challenges she faced, Scott humbly admits, "Definitely, some classes gave me a little more of a challenge than others."

But despite the difficulties, Scott persevered and managed to complete both her high school and associate's degree requirements with honors, as proudly shared on her personal Instagram account. And a big part of her success can be attributed to Georgia's Dual Enrollment program, which covers the cost of the first 30 semester hours of college credits for eligible students.

For Scott, the opportunity to earn college credits for free was simply too good to pass up. "I really just wanted to get as much education, a college education, as I can now for free," she explains.

But Scott's accomplishments don't end there. She was also named "Youth of the Year" by the Boys and Girls Club, where she often worked after school before heading to dance rehearsals at Kelly & Company Studios, where she is a competitive dancer. In fact, a recent Instagram post from the Boys and Girls Club congratulated her on her achievements and revealed that she had already been accepted to multiple universities, including Clark Atlanta, Florida A&M, Georgia State, Mercer, Howard, NCAT, Penn State, Rutgers, and UMass.

Despite all of her impressive achievements, Scott remains humble and focused on her future goals. She hasn't yet decided on which university she will attend, but she has expressed a desire to attend a Historically Black College or University (HBCU). Her ultimate dream is to become a cardiothoracic surgeon and to work in an inner-city hospital, with a strong desire to give back to the youth in her hometown of Savannah, as well as wherever her future may take her.

Georgia's NeeAli Scott is truly an inspiration and a testament to the power of hard work, determination, and the pursuit of education. We have no doubt that she will go on to achieve great things and make a positive impact in the world.

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