Georgia teacher to get a $250K house as part of a new housing program for public servants.

The teacher is contributing to the building of her own home.

June 22nd 2023.

Georgia teacher to get a $250K house as part of a new housing program for public servants.
Methany Thornton, a social-emotional learning teacher, is the first recipient of Marietta's new Public Service Housing Program. Despite the constantly increasing cost of living, Thornton trusted her faith and applied for the program. She is even helping out with the construction of her future home, as required by the program.

"I was shaking the whole time I was hammering in that first nail," Thornton told Fox 5. Her disabled husband is also part of the construction team, alongside a group from Habitat for Humanity. "He used to build before he had a stroke and became disabled. Now he's back in his element," she said.

In January 2023, Marietta’s Community Development Manager Kelsey Thomson-White told Fox 5 that the city will be donating $500,000 and lots directly to Habitat for Humanity. This will enable the construction of six new homes exclusively available to public service workers by the end of 2024. These zero-interest homes will cost no more than $250,000, and the funds for them will come from the American Rescue Plan. Each home will have three bedrooms and two bathrooms.

Thornton is the only one in her family who works. She lives with her husband, daughter, and two grandsons, and they will all soon have a new place to call home. She expressed her gratitude for the program, saying, "I've been praying, and I was like, this just sounds like it's for my family. I'm going to trust God, and I'm going to apply."

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