Gen Z won't attend a rave for various reasons.

Teens no longer spend their nights partying and having fun like they used to.

February 4th 2024.

Gen Z won't attend a rave for various reasons.
It is often said that the younger generation is all about living a healthy lifestyle. However, it seems like even they are realizing the importance of getting enough sleep. We've all heard the saying "the early bird catches the worm," and while it may go against the stereotype, it turns out that Gen Z is actually starting to prioritize getting a good night's rest. It seems like being a night owl is no longer in style, and instead, curling up in bed early like a grandma is the new trend. Honestly, I'm here for it.

In a recent interview with The Wall Street Journal, 19-year-old Emma Kraft shared her experience of joining the early night tribe. She proudly admitted to going to bed at 9:30pm and has even had her friends come to her for advice on how to improve their own sleep schedules. "For me, nothing good happens after 9pm," she explained. She has made the decision to skip late nights out partying and instead, prioritize getting a good night's sleep. And honestly, I can relate.

Similarly, 25-year-old Madelyn Sugg has also chosen to ditch late nights out in favor of self-care and early bedtimes. She used to worry about missing out on social events, but has found that prioritizing her sleep has actually improved her overall well-being. "I was afraid of feeling like I'm not succeeding at building a community, but it's actually turned out to be an improvement in all these areas," she shared.

This trend of going to bed early is not just limited to personal experiences, it's also making its way onto social media. On TikTok, many young people are sharing their own experiences of embracing early bedtimes. It seems like the night owl lifestyle is a thing of the past. One TikToker, Nadia, shared that she's actually in bed by 9 or 9:30pm, which is considered early for a 21-year-old. "I love having nights in, but this is nuts," she laughed, as she sat in bed with her book at 5:30pm.

Research also supports the benefits of early bedtimes, especially for young adults. A study conducted by Sleep Number found that people aged 18 to 34 are going to bed 10 minutes earlier than last year, and Gen Z is the most likely generation to prioritize getting enough sleep. This may sound a bit dull, but there's plenty of evidence that suggests the importance of developing good sleep habits in your youth.

According to the 2023 Samsung Global Sleep Study, people under 40 have a higher rate of sleep efficiency compared to older age groups. This means that it's better to establish good sleep habits early on before it becomes more difficult as we age. Plus, teenagers need more sleep than the rest of us to support their physical and mental development. So, why not take a cue from Gen Z and channel your inner grandma by pushing your bedtime forward? If they say it's cool, then it must be officially cool.

Do you have a similar experience to share? We would love to hear from you! Get in touch by emailing [email] and let's continue the conversation. And if you're looking for ways to improve your sleep, try following the 3-2-1 rule or these gentle yoga poses to help you fall back to sleep in the middle of the night. Sweet dreams!

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