Gen Z thinks the thumbs up emoji is rude and wants people to stop using it.

Their interpretation of it is vastly different.

July 21st 2024.

Gen Z thinks the thumbs up emoji is rude and wants people to stop using it.
It seems like there's a bit of a generational divide going on. The younger folks of Gen Z just don't seem to see things the same way us older folks do. They're always making changes and taking things away from us millennials that we hold dear. It can be frustrating, can't it?

I mean, have you had to change your hairstyle because Gen Z decided side fringes were no longer cool? Or maybe you had to completely revamp your wardrobe because they declared skinny jeans to be out of style? If so, you probably understand where I'm coming from.

It seems like Gen Z is on a mission to cancel, change, and question everything that we've been doing for years. And now, it looks like the thumbs up emoji is next on their list of things to get rid of. Can you believe it? The thumbs up emoji, a classic and reliable way to show agreement or approval, is now being labeled as "hostile" by the younger generation.

For many of us, the thumbs up emoji is a completely positive way to communicate with friends, family, and colleagues. It's quick and easy, perfect for when you just need to convey your thoughts or opinion without going into a long explanation. But for Gen Z, it seems like hearts are the way to go. They see the thumbs up emoji as outdated and are calling for an end to its use.

In fact, a Reddit user shared their dislike for the emoji at work and even questioned if not liking it made them less of an adult. Others have joined in on the discussion, with some saying that the thumbs up emoji is rude or blunt. It's sparked a debate on various social media platforms, with Gen Z explaining that older generations just don't understand the impact of what they're sending. Some even say that if you're still using the thumbs up emoji, it just shows your age and that you're "past it."

But not everyone is bothered by Gen Z's take on the thumbs up emoji. Some millennials have created their own videos to defend its use and ask the younger generation for their thoughts. And there are even some millennials who understand where Gen Z is coming from, saying that the thumbs up emoji can come across as lazy or disrespectful.

So, what do you think about all of this? Are you a fan of the thumbs up emoji, or do you prefer using hearts? Let us know in the comments below. And if you have a story to share, feel free to reach out by email. We'd love to hear from you.

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