Gaming news: Top game of 2024, Skyrim TV adaptation, and Pepper Grinder romance.

The letters page questions the number of dedicated gamers and speculates about the content of the 2024 PlayStation Showcase.

April 4th 2024.

Gaming news: Top game of 2024, Skyrim TV adaptation, and Pepper Grinder romance.
In the recent PlayStation Showcase, one game in particular caught our eye: Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown. It was hailed as one of the best games of 2024, and we couldn't agree more. The demo alone was enough to convince us, and we wasted no time in getting our hands on it when it went on sale. It was a tough decision between that and The Mobius Machine, which had a lower review score but was also around the same price. But in the end, Prince of Persia won us over with its impressive performance on all platforms, including the Switch, where it runs at 60fps and 1080p when docked. And for lucky owners of PlayStation 5 or Xbox Series X, it goes up to 120fps at 4K. No matter which version you play, you're getting a great game at a great price.

Some may argue that there's nothing new or groundbreaking about the game, as seen in the breakdown of last year's most played games. But looking at the numbers, it's hard not to feel a bit worried about the future of gaming. It seems that the majority of gamers are only interested in online games where they can chat with their friends, and not the more complex and unique games that we discuss here on the Inbox. While there's nothing wrong with enjoying online games, it does make you realize that the number of people appreciating other types of games is much smaller than we may have thought. And with the rise of free-to-play live service games, it's clear where the priorities lie for some companies.

Speaking of catching up, some may argue that Nintendo has always fallen behind in terms of graphics and power compared to its competitors. But as GC pointed out, the 3DS outsold the more powerful PS Vita by over 60 million consoles. And while Nintendo may have had some great games, some still feel like they're stuck in the past and not keeping up with modern gaming trends.

One thing that's definitely noticeable to us is the difference between 30fps and 60fps in games. We can't understand how some people claim they can't see the difference, even without being a pro gamer. A simple experiment with your TV settings can easily show the impact of frame rate on the visual experience. While motion blur can help mitigate the effects of a lower frame rate in games, it's still something that can't be ignored.

But let's shift our focus to the upcoming PlayStation summer event. The only confirmed game so far is Silent Hill 2, which may not be the most exciting thing for some. But what else does Sony have up their sleeve? Will they have an answer to Xbox's successful summer showcase last year? And with no major releases planned before next year, what does that mean for smaller games like Astro Bot and the Concord live service game? These are all questions that we have, and we're also hoping for an announcement of a new boss for PlayStation. With no big games coming out for a year and no clear leader, it's understandable why some may be losing faith in the company.

As for me, I've decided to embark on a gaming spree and speed running marathon in 2024. And so far, I've made some good progress. I recently finished Forspoken and was pleasantly surprised by its decent story and likable protagonist, Frey. But I'm excited to continue adding more games to my list and see where this journey takes me.

In the meantime, let's not forget to appreciate the games we've already conquered this year. Some of our favorites include Batman: Arkham City, Assassin's Creed Odyssey, Ghost of Tsushima, Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, Fallout 4, and Far Cry 4. With so many amazing games to choose from, we can't wait to see what else 2024 has in store for us as gamers.
Prince Of Persia: The Lost Crown was highly praised by gamers and critics alike as one of the best games of 2024. On the Thursday letters page, there was a discussion about the number of hardcore gamers and a reader's inquiry about the upcoming 2024 PlayStation Showcase. To join in on the discussion, readers were encouraged to email their thoughts.

One reader, Nick The Greek, agreed with Angry_Kurt's assessment that Prince Of Persia: The Lost Crown was the best game of the year so far. Nick had played the demo and enjoyed it enough to purchase the game at a discounted price. He also considered The Mobius Machine, which received a lower score in a recent review, but ultimately chose Prince Of Persia due to its well-tuned performance across all versions, making it a great game at a good price.

Another reader, Lempton, expressed concern about the future of gaming after seeing the breakdown of the most played games in the previous year. They were disappointed to see that only a small number of people appreciated the more complex and unique games that are often discussed on the Inbox. Lempton also noted that the rise of free-to-play live service games has changed the landscape of gaming and may lead to certain conclusions being drawn by those analyzing the industry.

Rob, on the other hand, believed that Nintendo has always fallen behind in terms of graphics and power compared to its competitors. They acknowledged that Nintendo has some great games, but felt that they were still stuck in the past. However, GC pointed out that the 3DS outsold its more powerful rival, the PS Vita, by a large margin.

One reader, Anon, shared their thoughts on frame rates in games and how they can be easily noticed by changing the TV settings. They also mentioned the importance of motion blur in mitigating the effects of lower frame rates.

In the upcoming PlayStation summer showcase, the most exciting game may be Silent Hill 2, although this may be the only confirmed game due to leaks. SDA wondered if Sony would have a counter to the successful Xbox summer showcase from the previous year, and if they would announce a new leader for PlayStation considering the lack of big game releases and current lack of leadership.

Lastly, Shahzaib Sadiq shared their 2024 gaming goals, including completing a list of games such as Batman: Arkham City, Assassin's Creed Odyssey, and Ghost Of Tsushima. They also mentioned recently finishing Forspoken and enjoying the story and main character. As they continue their gaming spree and speed running marathon, they look forward to the journey ahead.

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