Games Inbox: Too pricey for Spider-Man 2, Last Of Us Part 3 hype, and Sonic Frontiers love.

Reader suggests ways to make video games more affordable, e.g. Cadence Of Hyrule.

October 10th 2023.

Games Inbox: Too pricey for Spider-Man 2, Last Of Us Part 3 hype, and Sonic Frontiers love.
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 has been a hot topic recently, with discussions around its price being the primary focus. It's a tricky situation, because on one hand it is too expensive, but at the same time, the asking price is understandable. There are two possible solutions - make it cheaper and take a hit on the profits, or add extra features to add value for money.

The first option isn't likely to happen, so the second is the only one left. However, I don't think this is a great option. It doesn't promote quality over quantity, and instead gives us a game that's too long and ultimately a chore to play.

The reader's advice of waiting for sales or buying it and selling it on after a week are good ideas. It's almost like renting the game, and it's a shame that this isn't the first solution people think of - most people nowadays buy digital versions of games.

There have been some suggestions in the past about how to make video games more cheaply. For example, the idea of creating a game in two parts was put forward, with the idea that the first part would act as a sort of DLC. This was done with Super Mario Galaxy 2 and Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom, and both turned out to be great games.

Another example is Zelda: Majora's Mask, which was made with the intention of reusing assets from Ocarina Of Time. This was a great way of creating a new game quickly and without taking too long. These solutions are out there, but it's up to the publishers to think of new ways to tackle the problem of games being too expensive.

Finally, I wanted to address the comments of Happy Wanderer about ‘old fart’ gamers. I'm approaching my 52nd birthday and I always enjoy playing and completing games on the hardest difficulty level. I work in a school and the pupils are often impressed by my Platinum trophies for games like Elden Ring, Bloodborne, Demon's Souls remake and the Dark Souls trilogy. Gaming is a hobby for all ages and I don't think of myself as an old fart gamer!

As for Sonic Frontiers, I recently started playing it and I'm actually enjoying it. I wish the story made more sense and the islands had more charisma, but the movement of Sonic is spot on and I'm enjoying collecting rings and solving puzzles. While it's not great and there's room for improvement, it's not terrible either and for a Sonic game, that's high praise indeed. I hope they build on it for the sequel!
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 has been causing quite a stir in the gaming community. The Monday letters page of a popular gaming magazine had some suggestions for how to make video games more cheaply, as one reader recommended Cadence Of Hyrule.

When it comes to making Spider-Man 2 more affordable, I think there are two options. The first would be to make it cheaper and have Sony make little or no profit, but I don't think that's ever going to happen. The second option would be to fill it with extra content, but I'd rather not have that if it comes at the expense of quality.

I think we can all agree that the only sensible option when it comes to buying this game is to wait for the sales or to buy it straight away, beat it, and then sell it on. This is a very common solution and I think it's just a sign of the times that it's not immediately occurring to people, considering most of us buy games digitally now.

It's not just Spider-Man 2 that's expensive, either. It's an age-old problem that's been around since video games first began. For example, Super Mario Galaxy 2 was originally imagined as DLC, and Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom was created in a similar way. This is a good solution to the problem of games being too expensive and requiring too much work.

Another example is Zelda: Majora's Mask. It was created to reuse Ocarina Of Time's assets, so it could be made quickly and not take another five years. This is a great solution to the same problem, but it's unlikely publishers will take it on board and think outside the box.

I also wanted to respond to Happy Wanderer's comments about 'old fart' gamers. Gaming is a hobby for all ages, and I'm fast approaching the age of 52 yet still enjoy playing and completing games on the hardest difficulty levels. I work in a school and the pupils are always very impressed when I tell them about my Platinum trophies for Elden Ring, Bloodborne, Demon's Souls remake, and the Dark Souls trilogy.

Finally, I've been playing Sonic Frontiers and while it's not great, it's not terrible either. It's a solid 6 or 7 out of 10, which is high praise for a Sonic game. The movement of Sonic is spot on and there's so much joy in boosting round, collecting rings, and solving puzzles. I wish the story made more sense and the islands were more charismatic, but overall I'm quite enjoying it. I hope they build on it for the sequel because there's certainly room for improvement, but they've got so much right too.

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