Gamers treated disrespectfully are ruining the video game community.

Gaming industry ruined by toxic gamers, impossible expectations, and pointless microtransactions.

July 1st 2023.

Gamers treated disrespectfully are ruining the video game community.
My name is Ryan and I’ve been gaming for 30 years. I’ve had some of the best memories with my brother, playing games like Super Mario Bros. and GoldenEye 007. When we got our first PCs, we built them from the ground up and started playing Counter-Strike Source. As each new generation of games was released, we were left stunned by the graphics and asked ourselves if it will ever look like real life.

With every new game, I couldn’t help but think of the promises made and broken by the game companies, publishers, and developers. We as gamers have been patient and understanding, helping some companies become household names and making them billions of dollars. But then, they got greedy and started adding non-functional content like animations and cosmetic items, selling them for real money.

This is where our industry started to fall apart. We’ve become a toxic pool of poison, spreading malice and misinformation everywhere we go. We’re never satisfied, never have faith or trust in the developers who work hard to bring us what we’re asking for. Take Anthem for example – BioWare had to work 90 hours a week for 15 months and yet, we weren’t satisfied.

It’s easy to blame the developers and publishers for not living up to our expectations. But if we keep pointing fingers and leaving toxic comments, we’re only making things worse. We need to remember that making a game is a long and difficult process and it’s not easy to please everyone. We have to respect the developers and have faith in the amazing work they do. That’s how we can help make this industry better!
My name is Ryan and I've been gaming for the past 30 years. It has truly been a form of solace for me. I remember when I was a kid, my brother and I would spend hours playing Super Mario Bros. and Duck Hunt. We then moved on to Mario Kart, Battletoads, and Double Dragon.

We were stunned when GoldenEye 007 and Perfect Dark changed the game forever and we would even spend entire nights playing Mario Party with one controller. We could only ever afford one system and two controllers, if we were lucky, so we would take turns playing Final Fantasy 6 to 9. It was so exciting to play those games and to think that they were better than any movies or books.

Phantasy Star Online for Dreamcast was a revolutionary game for us. It was the first console MMO and even though it didn't operate like a traditional MMO, we loved it anyway. Then Halo: Combat Evolved kickstarted the LAN party scene and The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind consumed our lives for weeks on end.

My brother and I built our first PCs together with pride and started playing Counter-Strike Source. We were blown away by the graphics of each new generation and we wondered how far the gaming industry could go and if it would eventually look like real-life.

The gaming industry has seen some incredible highs and some very disappointing lows. We have been patient, but publisher promises have been broken and we have been let down time and time again. We know the risk involved in becoming hyped up by the buzz of the newest game.

It all started with Horse Armour. We opened our wallets and handed it to them, saying 'I'll buy whatever you guys make.' We enabled them and it created an industry of greed. We started seeing things like pointless microtransactions and meaningless content being sold at exorbitant prices. We were angry, but it seemed like no one was listening.

Today, we are pointing our fingers at developers and publishers for not meeting our expectations, but we are the ones to blame. We are the ones who have been writing toxic comments and ratings, because a game was released an hour late or because the settings didn't have an option we thought it should have. We are the ones who have been spreading malice, distrust, and hate. We don't understand the amount of work and dedication it takes to create a game.

It's time for us to take responsibility for our actions. We must respect the developers and show them the appreciation they deserve. We must be patient and understanding. We must not be so quick to spread negativity and misinformation. It's time for us to move away from being a toxic pool of poison and instead be a beacon of hope.

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