Fun Friday: What Is Your Myers Briggs Personality Type?

Last night at dinner Jessica and her friends Phoebe and Alex got to talking about the Myers Briggs personality type. Alex asked me a few questions and said to me "you are INTP". She did the same with the Gotham Gal and opined that she was "ENFJ". 

So this morning I took a Myers Briggs test on the Internet and sure enough, Alex was right. I am an INTP:

Myers briggs result

I did a little bit of looking around about INTP and found these two pages, portrait of an INTP and well known INTPs

That was fun for me so I thought it might be fun for all of us. If you want to play along today on Fun Friday, take the test (it took me about 3-4 mins) and then tell us in the comments what your Myers Briggs personality type is.
