Foursquare Google Maps Mashup

I'm doing a keynote presentation today at the Geo Loco Conference in San Francisco. In putting together the visuals for my talk, I wanted to show my Foursquare checkins from my recent trip to europe on google maps.

So a little googling around led me to this post which explains how to do it:

  • Visit your foursquare feeds
    page. Right click the KML link and copy it to your clipboard (don’t
    download it).

  • Visit Google
    and paste the link you copied into the search box. Hit enter.

It is so simple and easy to do. Here is the visual that I wanted to create:

Foursquare checkins

And you get a list of checkins that you can share via the google maps sharing features. Here's a list of all the checkins I did in Zurich, for example.

Foursquare checkins in zurich 

I would love to save these foursquare feeds in discrete chunks like this for future reference. Someone sends me an email saying "what did you do that was fun in Zurich?". I could simply send them this list of checkins. So simple, so easy, so useful. I love it.
