Founder of Black Girls Smoke works with NYC Parks to modify restrictions around weed, allowing for more access.

This group is celebrating 4/20 by protesting NYC parks' marijuana regulations to bring awareness to the issue.

April 20th 2023.

Founder of Black Girls Smoke works with NYC Parks to modify restrictions around weed, allowing for more access.
There may be a bright future ahead for those who love to smoke weed in parks! Vic Styles, the Founder of Black Girls Smoke, is doing her best to make it easier for New York City park visitors to enjoy puffing on some trees while they take a stroll outdoors. Despite the state legalizing the recreational use of marijuana in March 2021, smoking pot is still not allowed in certain public areas. In protest of this, Styles has been hosting a peaceful 'Puff in the Park' event in Prospect Park for the past three years. Part of the mission of this group is to break down stigmas, color lines and gender biases in the white male-dominated industry. Styles wants to see a designated cannabis smoking area in the park, as cannabis events are often not tailored to people of color. Since launching her brand in 2020, Styles has been able to find her community and connect with like-minded people. Her Instagram followers have surpassed 50,000, and last year's event got over 3,000 RSVPs. She described the event as the "cookout that everybody talks about," and a positive environment. Styles is currently working with NYC Parks and the Prospect Park Alliance's events department to make this event possible. On April 20th, visitors to the event can expect a picnic-style party with music, DJs, vendors and food. All attendees are encouraged to bring items such as a blanket, flower, snacks and water.

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