Focus on organizing & improving daily routines & habits.

Virgos are wise and discerning.

August 19th 2023.

Focus on organizing & improving daily routines & habits.
Virgo is one of the zodiac's most pragmatic signs, and Virgo season is the perfect time to party and revel in their natural cosmic element. Starting on August 23rd, the rest of us can also enjoy the positive Virgo vibes this season amplifies: organisation, practicality, shrewdness, and cleverness.

Virgos know how to get things running at their best and have the smarts to make that happen. So take advantage of their pragmatic energy and take steps to get your own life in order.

Let the tarot give you some guidance as to where you can get your life running more smoothly this Virgo season. For example, if you're an Aries, the Page of Coins tarot card suggests that you need to invest in yourself. Whether that's learning a new skill, brushing up on something, or mastering a new technology or process, it's important to invest upfront to reap rewards down the line.

Taurus, on the other hand, should look to their circle for unique insight. The Three of Coins tarot card indicates that your friends and colleagues have something to offer you that can help you improve and do better.

Gemini should put in the effort with their loved ones and it'll pay off. The Ten of Cups tarot card reminds us to listen to good advice and to tap into the expertise of those around us.

Cancers should build on their foundations. The Four of Wands tarot card suggests that you make a plan for the future and build on your successes.

Leos should tap into their innate skills. The Seven of Wands tarot card encourages them to get organised, to know their powers, and to play to their strengths.

Finally, Virgos should take advantage of their season. The Nine of Cups tarot card means that they can be their best selves and show off everything they're good at. They can get everything ship-shape and organised and tackle things that bother them.
Virgo is one of the zodiac's most pragmatic signs, and Virgo season is the perfect time for the Mercury-ruled virgins of the zodiac to revel in their natural cosmic element. But it's also time for the rest of us to enjoy the positive Virgo vibes this season brings – organisation, practicality, shrewdness, cleverness, and being on top of your life admin and finances.

Virgos know best. They have the smarts to make things run as they should, and the rest of us can benefit from their pragmatic energy. The tarot can help us tap into this energy and take steps to get our own lives in order.

Take Aries for example. The tarot card for Aries during Virgo season is the Page of Coins. This card suggests Aries should invest in themselves, by seeking out new information or skills that will help them get their life running more smoothly. It could be related to their career, finances, or even technology. Investing in themselves now will pay off in the future.

Taurus can benefit from the Three of Coins, which suggests they should listen to the advice of those around them. Their circle can provide unique insight, and by tapping into their expertise, Taurus can learn how to make improvements in their lives.

The Ten of Cups is the tarot card for Gemini during Virgo season. This card suggests that Gemini should put in the effort with their loved ones. They should take the time to keep in touch with the people that matter most to them.

The Four of Wands is the tarot card for Cancer. This card suggests that Cancer should build on the foundation they have established. They should make a conscious plan for success, playing to their strengths and amplifying their successes.

The Seven of Wands is the tarot card for Leo during Virgo season. This card suggests that Leo should get organized and play to their strengths. They should understand the rules and know the shortcuts in order to succeed in whatever they put their heart into.

Finally, the tarot card for Virgo during Virgo season is the Nine of Cups. This card suggests that Virgo should be unashamedly themselves and show off everything they are good at. This is their season, and they can get whatever they put their heart into. They should get everything in order, ask for help, and go for it.

No matter what your sign is, Virgo season can be a great time to get your life in order and reap the rewards down the line. Use the tarot to give you a nudge and make the most of this season.

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