Five students experience a hands-on learning opportunity as they raise fish in their classroom.

Fife students explore the River Leven with "Fish in the Classroom" project, giving them a unique learning experience.

March 31st 2023.

Five students experience a hands-on learning opportunity as they raise fish in their classroom.
Pupils in Fife have been experiencing a unique learning opportunity with the 'Fish in the Classroom' project. The children have been nurturing brown trout eggs in their schools until they hatch, and then releasing the baby fish into the River Leven. Coaltown of Balgonie, Coaltown of Wemyss, and East Wemyss primary schools have been taking part.

Amy Fergusson, senior ecologist and project officer with the Forth Rivers Trust, which has been working on the project, said: “We are engaging with pupils and schools to educate them about river health, conservation, fish species and how they can be impacted by human interaction. It’s a great way to help the next generation of pupils gain a sense of ownership and stewardship in their local environment, and we want to encourage them to enjoy and look after their river.”

This project has been a great success, providing pupils with a memorable experience that will stay with them. To read more inspiring stories from Scotland’s schools, visit Scottish Field’s education pages, and don't miss the April issue of Scottish Field magazine.

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