Fishermen found bottles in the sea and died after drinking their contents.

Two men in Sri Lanka are in critical condition after consuming a mysterious liquid they discovered in the ocean.

July 1st 2024.

Fishermen found bottles in the sea and died after drinking their contents.
Tragedy has struck in Sri Lanka as four fishermen lost their lives after consuming a mysterious liquid they discovered in the sea. Two other men are currently in critical condition after also drinking from the bottles they found floating in the ocean. This alarming incident took place during a routine fishing trip, approximately 320 nautical miles from the town of Tangalle on the southern coast of the island.

According to reports from the BBC, the sailors initially believed they were consuming alcohol from the bottles, but it turned out to be something far more dangerous. The Sri Lanka Navy has confirmed that the men were indeed aboard a fishing vessel called the Devon when they made this fatal mistake. The Director General of the Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, Susantha Kahawatte, expressed that the navy is doing everything in their power to bring the men back to land for medical attention.

However, due to the distance from shore and the urgency of the situation, it is unclear whether they will make it in time. The navy is currently providing medical care to the men on board the Devon, but authorities fear it may not be enough. In a desperate attempt to prevent further casualties, they are also warning the rest of the ship's crew not to consume any of the bottles they may have in their possession.

As the investigation into the contents of the bottles continues, authorities are urging caution and asking for anyone with information to come forward. This tragedy has sent shockwaves through the community and has left many wondering how this could have happened. In other news, Tenerife police have called off the search for a missing British teenager on the Spanish island. Meanwhile, be sure to stay up to date with all the latest breaking news, celebrity gossip, and sports updates by joining our WhatsApp channel. No comments, no algorithms, and your privacy is guaranteed.

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