Find out what the week ahead holds for you with a tarot horoscope reading from May 20 to May 26.

Prepare for the upcoming week.

May 19th 2024.

Find out what the week ahead holds for you with a tarot horoscope reading from May 20 to May 26.
Are you ready for a brand new week? I know I am, because it's one of my favorite times of the year - Gemini season! As a fellow Gemini, I am especially excited about this zodiac turn of the wheel. And to add to the cosmic buzz, we have Venus in Gemini and a Full Moon in Sagittarius this week. It's going to be a busy, active, and bustling time.

So, what's the main focus for this week? Making friends, socializing, and expanding our horizons. It's all about getting out and about, traveling, and breaking free from any comfort zones or constraints. Let's embrace our wild and free spirits and let the tarot be our guide to finding freedom and joy.

Aries, from March 21st to April 20th, it's time to embrace the passage of time. The High Priestess tarot card is here to remind you that the week ahead will be deeply spiritual and insightful. You may experience some revelations and wake-up calls about where you find joy in your life. Remember, we all change and grow, and it's important to accept where you are now and ask for guidance on how to prioritize activities that bring you joy, fun, laughter, and connection.

Taurus, from April 21st to May 21st, it's time to stop comparing yourself to others. The Four of Cups tarot card is here to remind you that you already have everything you need. Your cup is overflowing with wealth and abundance in all aspects of your life. Instead of coveting what others have, take a moment to appreciate all the gifts, strengths, and happy moments in your life. Re-focus on your own realm and feel the good feelings flow back to you.

Gemini, from May 22nd to June 21st, it's time to embrace your social butterfly self. The Eight of Wands tarot card signifies a week full of demands, appreciation, and being in the midst of things. Your social side will be shining, and it's the perfect time to curate a circle of friends, welcome new ones, and perhaps even distance yourself from those who no longer bring you joy. Enjoy being the social butterfly and strengthen your bonds this week.

Cancer, from June 22nd to July 23rd, it's time to reinforce your security measures. The Queen of Swords tarot card represents your fierce love for home, sanctuary, and safety. This week, you may feel the need to spend some time alone, getting things done and creating a magical and welcoming space. While you love being bonded with others, it's important to not rely too heavily on them for your mood. Take care of yourself and make sure your borders are secure and your internal mood is stable.

Leo, from July 24th to August 23rd, get ready to light up the world. The King of Wands tarot card is a sign of strength, vitality, and a new sense of purpose. You may feel ambitious and ready to take on the world. And guess what? You can! You have all the tools and talents to achieve your goals, so don't hesitate to take that first step this week.

Virgo, from August 24th to September 23rd, it's time to release any pain you may be carrying. The Nine of Swords tarot card urges you to let go of any heavy, stressful, or painful emotions. This is a time to clear out any old dead wood and make room for new opportunities and experiences. Don't be afraid to express yourself and share your burdens with someone you trust. It's time to let go and enjoy the wonderful world around you.

I hope this reading has given you some insight and guidance for the week ahead. Remember, we are all constantly evolving and it's important to embrace the changes and opportunities that come our way. Stay true to yourself and let the tarot be your guide to a joyful and fulfilling life.
Are you ready for a new week? I certainly am, as it's one of my most favorite weeks of the year - Gemini season is finally here! Being a Gemini myself, I can't help but love this zodiac turn of the wheel. And this week is especially cosmically busy and active, with Venus in Gemini and a Full Moon in Sagittarius. It's the perfect time for making new friends, socializing, traveling, and expanding our horizons. So let's bust out of our comfort zones and constraints and embrace the wild, free, and happy energy of this week. And who better to guide us towards freedom and joy than the tarot?

Aries (March 21 to April 20) - this week, the High Priestess tarot card is calling to you. It's a deeply spiritual and insightful time for you, filled with revelations and wake-up calls about where and how you find joy in your life. You may realize that what made you happy in the past may not be the same now, and that's okay. Embrace your age, growth, and evolution, and ask for guidance on what activities will bring you joy, fun, laughter, and connection. You are different now, and that's something to be celebrated.

Taurus (April 21 to May 21) - the Four of Cups tarot card is reminding you that you have it all, Taurus. Your cup runneth over with all the good things in life, but sometimes you may overlook them and covet what others have. This week, take a step back and appreciate all the gifts, strengths, and happy moments in your life. When you refocus on what you already have, you'll feel the good feelings flow back to you. Re-appreciate your realm and all its blessings.

Gemini (May 22 to June 21) - as a fellow Gemini, I know how much you love being in the midst of things. And this week, the Eight of Wands tarot card is a perfect representation of that. You'll be in demand, wanted, and appreciated, and you'll thrive on socializing and connecting with others. Curate a circle of friends that bring out the best in you, and don't be afraid to say goodbye to those who no longer serve you. Enjoy being the social butterfly and strengthening your bonds.

Cancer (June 22 to July 23) - dear Cancer, this week is all about reinforcing your security measures. The Queen of Swords tarot card is reminding you to take some time for yourself, to get things done and feel in control of your realm. You love being bonded with others, but you also want to feel happy in your own skin. Make sure your borders are secure and your internal mood is stable. Take care of yourself and your sanctuary.

Leo (July 24 to August 23) - the King of Wands tarot card is a blessing for you this week, Leo. It represents your fire sign and its best traits - passion, adventure, courage, and ambition. You'll feel strong, vital, and full of purpose and ambition. This is the time to take on the world and go after your goals with all your heart. You have everything you need to succeed, so don't hold back.

Virgo (August 24 to September 23) - this week, the Nine of Swords tarot card is calling for you to release any pain or burdens you may be carrying. As we enter Gemini season, it's important to let go of any old dead weight and make room for new opportunities. Whatever is causing you stress or pain, it's time to put it down and move on. Express it, share it, and release it so you can feel liberated and free to enjoy all the good things in your life.

So let's embrace this new week with open arms and let the tarot guide us towards joy and freedom.

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