Find out what the week ahead has in store for you with your tarot horoscope reading for April 29 to May 5.

Prepare for the upcoming week.

April 28th 2024.

Find out what the week ahead has in store for you with your tarot horoscope reading for April 29 to May 5.
Are you ready for a fresh start this week? It's going to be a lively and bustling one for all of us as Venus moves into Taurus and Mars settles into its home sign of Aries. This shift in the stars will lift your mood and boost your energy levels. You'll feel a sense of clarity and determination as your desires become more obvious and achievable. It's as if the universe is aligning in your favor, giving you the green light to pursue your passions and go after what you want. So, don't hold back! Use this cosmic rocket fuel to propel yourself towards a fantastic week filled with progress, purpose, and positivity. Remember to focus on your best hopes, not your worst fears. And, if you need a little extra guidance, let the tarot give you a kick start.

Aries, from March 21 to April 20, the stars are urging you to go for it this week. The tarot card for you is the Page of Swords, which signifies a mentally stimulating time. Your mind will be firing on all cylinders and every idea will feel like a winner. And the truth is, they are! So, don't hold back. Set off on all your flares, threads, and new projects. Keep yourself busy and active. This is also a great time to commit to igniting your passions and interests. Consider taking up a new course or skill, it could lead to exciting opportunities.

Taurus, from April 21 to May 21, the stars are telling you to keep powering through. The tarot card for you this week is the Eight of Coins, which symbolizes hard work and dedication paying off. You may have been feeling fatigued and discouraged by a long-term or difficult project, but don't give up just yet. This week, a major breakthrough is on the horizon and you have the potential to make more progress than you have in the past month. Trust in your efforts and keep pushing forward.

Gemini, from May 22 to June 21, it's time for new beginnings. The tarot card for you this week is The Tower, which may sound daunting, but it's actually a positive sign. This card suggests that it's time to let go of toxic, unhealthy, or stagnant commitments, roles, or relationships. It may feel like everything is falling apart, but this is necessary for you to build a stronger foundation and start anew. Embrace this change and head towards a shiny, new horizon.

Cancer, from June 22 to July 23, take a breath and relax. The tarot card for you this week is the Nine of Swords, which may indicate some anxieties or fears weighing you down. Take a moment to put down your burdens and talk to someone you trust about your worries. Sometimes, just speaking them out loud can help alleviate them. This will free you up to notice the exciting opportunities coming your way this week. So, declutter your mind and get ready for some good news.

Leo, from July 24 to August 23, what's holding you back? The tarot card for you this week is the Five of Wands, which suggests that there may be something or someone standing in the way of what you truly want to do. Pay attention to any feelings of jealousy or personal barriers within yourself and try to dismantle them. Don't fight against them, simply remove them and free yourself to pursue the new opportunities that are coming your way this week.

Virgo, from August 24 to September 23, open your mind and your schedule. The tarot card for you this week is the Two of Coins, which represents abundance and variety. This is the perfect time for you to say yes to everything that comes your way. Know your true desires and take steps towards achieving them. And don't be afraid to say yes to new opportunities and experiences that may come your way. This is your time to be abundant and seek out new adventures. Embrace it!
Are you ready for the start of a brand new week? It's going to be a lively and bustling one, as Venus moves into Taurus and Mars takes its place in its home sign of Aries. You can expect your mood to lift and your energy levels to rise. This is the perfect time to go after your desires with confidence and determination. The universe seems to be on your side, with the cards falling in your favor and paving the way for you to pursue your passions and achieve your goals. Use this cosmic energy to propel you forward and make this week one of progress, purpose, and positivity. Remember, let your best hopes guide you, not your worst fears. And if you need a little boost, let the tarot give you a kickstart.

Aries, between March 21 and April 20, the stars are urging you to go for it this week. The Page of Swords is a sign of mental stimulation and creativity, and it's time for you to let your ideas flow freely. Trust your instincts and don't be afraid to take risks. This is your chance to set off on new adventures and pursue your interests, whether it's enrolling in a course or picking up a new hobby. Head here for all the insights on being an Aries.

Taurus, from April 21 to May 21, keep pushing through. The Eight of Coins is a reminder to put all your energy into a project or goal that you've been working on for a while. You may have felt tired and discouraged, but don't give up just yet. This week, a major breakthrough is on the horizon, and you'll make more progress than you have in the past month. Remember, timing is everything. Your hard work has not gone unnoticed, and now is the time to keep moving forward and reap the rewards. For more guidance on being a Taurus, head here.

Gemini, between May 22 and June 21, get ready for new beginnings. The Tower may seem like a scary card, but it's actually a sign of liberation and empowerment. It's time to let go of toxic relationships or commitments that have been holding you back. Don't be afraid to let everything crumble and start fresh. This has been a long time coming, and you'll feel relieved and energized once you release yourself from these burdens. Embrace your newfound freedom and embark on a new journey. Learn more about being a Gemini here.

Cancer, from June 22 to July 23, take a breath and let go of your worries. The Nine of Swords is a reminder to put down your burdens and take a break. Don't let your fears and anxieties weigh you down. Instead, talk to someone you trust and let out your thoughts and fears. You'll be surprised at how much lighter you'll feel. This will allow you to make room for exciting new opportunities that are coming your way this week. Clear your mind and get ready for some positive news. For more insights on being a Cancer, head here.

Leo, between July 24 and August 23, ask yourself what's holding you back. The Five of Wands is a sign that something or someone may be standing in the way of your desires. It could be a personal barrier or feelings of jealousy that are preventing you from saying yes to new opportunities. Take a step back and identify these roadblocks. Once you do, work on removing them and freeing yourself to pursue what truly makes you happy. For more tips on being a Leo, head here.

Virgo, from August 24 to September 23, it's time to open your mind and your schedule. The Two of Coins signifies abundance and variety, and this week, you have the opportunity to say yes to it all. Don't be afraid to take on new challenges and explore different paths. This is your chance to get closer to your true desires, so don't hold back. Say yes to everything that comes your way and enjoy the adventure. For more insights on being a Virgo, head here.

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