Find out what the upcoming week holds with your tarot horoscope for October 7-13.

Prepare for the upcoming week.

October 6th 2024.

Find out what the upcoming week holds with your tarot horoscope for October 7-13.
As we gear up for a new week, we can't ignore the fact that Jupiter is going into retrograde until February 2025. This shift in planetary movements will have us all feeling a bit more introspective and open-minded. We may find ourselves more willing to consider new perspectives and ideas, as the world moves at a rapid pace and we must adapt to new information and events. It's important to keep evolving and not get stuck in one mindset.

This week, Mercury in Scorpio brings a therapeutic energy to our reflections. It can be difficult to admit when we've changed our minds, as it may feel like a defeat of our former selves. However, it's a necessary and positive step towards growth. The tarot can guide us through this process of shifting our perspectives.

Aries, could it be true? Are you actually considering settling down? The Ten of Cups is urging you to reevaluate your understanding of deep and romantic relationships. Perhaps you've matured and are looking for more stability and compatibility rather than just passion and drama. This card also asks you to consider the sacrifices and commitments necessary for a successful partnership.

Taurus, we know money is always on your mind. But maybe it's time to reassess what wealth truly means and why it matters to you. The King of Coins reminds us that money is only useful when we can exchange it for something else. So, what is that "something else" for you? What do you need money for and how does it contribute to your overall happiness and well-being?

Gemini, as someone who fears boredom, the Four of Cups is a reminder to stop and appreciate the present moment. You don't always have to be on the move or seeking out new experiences. Finding contentment in what you already have can bring a sense of peace and fulfillment.

Cancer, the Star card is shining down on you this week. It's time to dream big and believe that you deserve a better life. You may have been hesitant to take risks in the past, but something has shifted and you're now ready to make changes and take ownership of your happiness.

Leo, the Hanged Man is asking you to consider a change of mind in order to move forward. Holding onto old ideas or beliefs will only keep you in a state of limbo. It's time to let go and embrace a new perspective, especially in an area of your life where you feel stuck.

Virgo, bottling up your emotions and worries is not the answer. The Nine of Swords reminds you that it's okay to share your anxieties with others and seek help when needed. Suppressing heavy emotions can manifest in physical ways, so it's important to release them and allow yourself to be vulnerable.

As always, let the tarot be your guide in navigating the changes of mind and heart that may arise this week. Trust that these shifts are necessary for growth and embrace the unknown with an open mind and heart.
Get ready for a new week! The upcoming Jupiter retrograde may have you feeling more introspective and open to new ideas and perspectives. In a world that moves so quickly, it's important to refresh our perspectives based on new information and events. We can't just stay stagnant in our thoughts.

With Mercury in Scorpio, this introspection may have a therapeutic feel to it. Changing our minds can feel like a defeat of our old selves, but it's ultimately positive and necessary for personal growth. Let the tarot guide you through the changes you may encounter this week.

Aries, could it be true? Are you finally settling down? The Ten of Cups suggests that you've changed your views on deep, romantic relationships. You may have matured and realized that compatibility and support are more important than passion and drama. But don't be too quick to make commitments, as the Ten of Cups also asks you to consider the sacrifices involved in a committed relationship.

For Taurus, money has always been a top priority. But the King of Coins suggests that your views on wealth may be shifting. Money is only valuable if it can be used to obtain something else. Consider what that "something else" is for you and you'll have a better understanding of how to manage your wealth.

Gemini, you've always feared boredom and have constantly sought out new experiences. But the Four of Cups suggests that you may find contentment in what you already have. Maybe constantly chasing after new things isn't as fulfilling as you once thought.

Cancer, the Star card suggests that you're daring to dream of a better life and actually believing that you deserve it. You may have been self-protective in the past, but now you're taking ownership of your life and striving for happiness. Keep going on this path and your wishes may just come true.

Leo, it's time to get out of your mental rut. The Hanged Man suggests that you're resisting a change of mind that could lead to progress and momentum in your life. Let go of old ideas and beliefs and be open to a new outlook. This may be centered around a frustrating situation, but changing your perspective may be the key to moving forward.

Virgo, you may have a tendency to bottle up your worries and anxieties. But the Nine of Swords suggests that this isn't the answer. It's important to share your emotions and seek support when needed. Don't let them manifest into physical symptoms. It's okay to admit when you're feeling overwhelmed and seek help from others.

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