Find out what's in store for you this week with your tarot horoscope for September 23-29.

Prepare for the upcoming week.

September 22nd 2024.

Find out what's in store for you this week with your tarot horoscope for September 23-29.
Are you ready for the start of a new week? This week marks the beginning of Libra season, bringing with it a positive energy for happy moments, beautiful experiences, and magical encounters. On top of that, autumn has officially begun and Venus is moving into Scorpio, igniting a desire for intimacy and closeness with someone special in your life. It may be an intense week for romantic relationships, a time to test the strength of your bond and determine if this is someone you want to spend the autumn and winter with.

Let the tarot guide you towards the actions you can take in your relationships this week. For Aries, the Page of Wands suggests that you may be acting immaturely in a relationship that is important to you. Perhaps you have become frustrated or bored and it's causing tension. Take a step back and find other outlets for your energetic and adventurous side. For Taurus, the King of Cups brings good vibes and emotional intelligence. Single Taureans may find a charismatic older Water sign, while those in a relationship should make time for intimacy.

Gemini, the Page of Swords warns against self-sabotage in important relationships. Your quick-changing nature may cause confusion and frustration for those around you. Take a moment to process your thoughts before sharing them with others. For Cancer, the Five of Wands reminds you that avoiding conflict will not make it go away. It's time to address any tension or distance in a key relationship and have an open and honest conversation.

Leo, the Two of Coins cautions against coming on too strong with someone. Remember to spend time with others in your life and not put all of your focus on one person. For Virgo, The Magician encourages you to share your ideas and creativity with your key relationship. Your insights and plans can help steer things in the right direction. Don't be afraid to make the first move.

As we enter a new week and season, let's embrace the positive energy and be mindful of our relationships. Happy Libra season!
Are you ready to start the week off with a bang? Well, get ready because Libra season is here and it's bringing with it a whole lot of good vibes. This week is all about happy times, beautiful moments, and exciting encounters. And to add to the mix, autumn has officially begun and Venus is moving into Scorpio, igniting a desire for intimacy and closeness with someone special in your life.

For many, this may be an intense week for romantic relationships, a time to really test the strength and importance of your connection. It's a "make or break" time, where you'll have to face the pressure and figure out if this is someone you want to spend the autumn and winter season with. But don't worry, the tarot is here to guide you towards the right actions to take in your relationships this week.

Aries, it's time to look before you leap. The Page of Wands is a reminder to not let your impulsive and energetic side take over in a relationship that truly matters to you. If you're feeling frustrated or complacent, it's important to address those feelings and find ways to keep the spark alive. Don't let boredom be the downfall of your relationship.

Taurus, this week is all about getting close with someone special. The King of Cups is a sign of emotional intelligence and compassion, bringing good vibes and a relaxed mindset to your relationships. If you're single, keep an eye out for a sexy, charismatic older Water sign. And if you're in a relationship, make sure to make time for your partner and embrace intimacy.

Gemini, not everyone sees the world the way you do. The Page of Swords is a warning to not let your "Gemini side" cause chaos in your relationships. Be mindful of your actions and words, and take time to process your thoughts before expressing them to others. Don't expect everyone to keep up with your fast-paced mind.

Cancer, it's time to face a tricky issue in a key relationship. The Five of Wands is a reminder that passivity and patience won't solve this problem. You need to communicate and get to the root cause of the tension and conflict in order to move forward. It may be uncomfortable, but it's necessary for a healthy relationship.

Leo, are you coming on too strong with someone? The Two of Coins advises you to take a step back and spend time with other people in your life. Don't let your intensity overpower your relationship or make things awkward. Diluting your focus can help you regain perspective and balance.

Virgo, it's time to share your ideas and plans with your partner. The Magician is a reminder of your impressive mind and all the amazing thoughts and insights you have. Don't be afraid to express yourself and make suggestions, as it will help move your relationship in the right direction. Your partner may be waiting for you to take the lead.

So get ready for a week full of love, passion, and exciting moments. Let the stars guide you towards a fulfilling and happy relationship. And if you want to know more about your sign, check out our website for all the information you need. Have a great week!

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