Find out what drives you to succeed and use it to motivate yourself to reach your goals.

Finding your purpose sparks motivation to succeed. How do you find it and keep it going?

December 5th 2023.

We all have an innate desire to be successful and make something of our lives. But where does this drive come from? Why are some people so motivated to succeed from the moment they're born, while others seem to lack the ambition to make something of themselves?

Luckily, there are several formulas that can help us answer these questions. The ancient Japanese philosophy of Ikigai uses a four-pillar approach to explore the known and unknown realms of motivation. It looks at what we're already good at, what we love doing, what the world needs, and what the world will pay us for.

Dan Pink’s three-element formula as presented in his book “Drive” further explores this concept by examining autonomy, mastery, and purpose. This formula can help us uncover our motivations and start dreaming about a new path.

But plans can often be disrupted, no matter how much we plan or research. Mike Tyson said it best: “We all have a plan until you get hit in the face.” Life has a way of throwing us curveballs, and it’s during these moments of messiness that we can find an answer.

Take my own story as an example. After my plans were all thrown out the window, something remarkable happened. I was given a safe harbor in the midst of a raging storm. I realized I had nothing to lose, so I allowed myself to be open to the unknown. It was then that I heard a whisper of a powerful force, a feeling that I had been called. I stepped forward and I filled the void with my art. I wrote, published, and shared, and eventually the drive had powered me up enough to reach lift-off velocity.

The key to sustaining the journey lies in the small validations from others. We all need to be seen and feel visible, which is why comments, likes, and shares can be so powerful. It’s also why Maslow called it “self-actualization” and the Japanese called it “Ikigai” – they understood the importance of discovering one's purpose.

The secret to finding our passionate drive and motivation for success lies within each of us. It’s not something that can be planned or strategized, but rather a spirit that needs to be noticed. Don’t ignore the whisper, and don’t be afraid to act when you discover it.

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