Father and son discover corpse while searching for treasure in deserted house.

A man and his adult son found a dead body in an abandoned building in Holly Springs, MS.

March 1st 2024.

Father and son discover corpse while searching for treasure in deserted house.
Chuck and Riley Bryant, a father and his 23-year-old son, were out on a treasure hunt in Holly Springs, Mississippi when they stumbled upon something unexpected - a body in an abandoned house. It was a Saturday night and they were exploring the deserted property with their friends, using metal detectors to search for hidden treasures.

Riley, who has a knack for finding interesting artifacts, had already discovered some Civil War-era bullets, a row boat lock, and an old glass bottle from the 1880s along the banks of the Mississippi River. But what they saw that night was far from what they were hoping to find.

As they looked through the windows of the abandoned building, something caught their eye - a strange object on the floor of one of the back rooms. They quickly realized that it was a human body and knew they had to report it to the authorities.

They contacted the Marshall County coroner's office and waited for them to arrive and take the remains. It was a somber and eerie experience, as they watched the scene being cleared for two hours. Riley, who stayed there the whole time, said it was something he had never seen before and the realization that someone had died in that abandoned house was unsettling.

Upon further observation, they noticed that the home had ripped down curtains, towels, and other items that appeared to have been used for warmth. It was a sad sight and it made Riley think about the person who had lived there and what may have led to their tragic end.

As they made their way back home, Chuck and Riley discussed the discovery and tried to make sense of it. They both agreed that it was a reminder to be more aware of people in need and to try to be better human beings.

This was not the first time a body had been found in an abandoned structure. Just over a year ago, a human skeleton was discovered at the University of California, Berkeley's Clark Kerr campus dormitory. And in December, a human skull was found in a hunting area in South Carolina. These incidents serve as a grim reminder that there are people out there who are struggling and in need of help.

The Bryants' treasure hunt had taken an unexpected turn, but it also left them with a valuable lesson - to be kind and compassionate towards others and to always be aware of those around them.

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