Fans are upset and anxious about a Netflix thriller that was initially unsuccessful.

Streaming service has revived it.

September 16th 2024.

Fans are upset and anxious about a Netflix thriller that was initially unsuccessful.
The horror film "Watcher" has been causing quite a stir among Netflix viewers, leaving many terrified. Starring rising actress Maika Monroe, the film has been described as "chilling" and has been giving audiences goosebumps, despite its underwhelming performance at the box office.

Directed by Chloe Okuno, the film follows Monroe's character Julia, who moves to Bucharest with her partner Francis. While Francis works long hours, Julia spends most of her time alone in their apartment, with large windows that provide a view of the surrounding buildings. But soon, she realizes that she is being watched by someone through those very windows. Adding to the terrifying atmosphere is the fact that a notorious serial killer known as "the Spider" is on the loose in Bucharest.

Along with Monroe, the film also stars Burn Gorman, Madalina Anea, and Daniel Nuta. It was Okuno's feature debut and premiered at the Sundance Film Festival, where it was nominated for the Grand Jury Prize. Despite receiving high praise from IFC film president Arianna Bocco, the film failed to make a mark at the box office, earning only $3.2 million worldwide against its $5 million budget.

However, now that "Watcher" has arrived on Netflix, fans are discovering this hidden gem and are raving about it. Many have even claimed that it has exceeded their expectations, despite all the hype surrounding the film.

One fan on Twitter wrote, "Finally saw Watcher as it's been added to UK Netflix, and even after all the hype I'd heard, it may have surpassed it. In Maika, we trust." Another fan added, "While all the talk has been about Rebel Ridge, Watcher has also dropped on Netflix. Absolutely gripping horror/thriller. Maika Monroe on stellar form once again. The last 15 minutes will leave you with a knot in your stomach."

Some viewers have also pointed out why the film is so terrifying, with one fan writing, "Just finished Watcher on Netflix and what a chillingly stressful watch. Mainly because in this climate it's the stark and accurate reality of many women to not be believed. A perfect ending though and Maika Monroe was enthralling!"

Many fans have praised Monroe's performance, with one fan calling her the "Meryl Streep of horror." The actress herself revealed that her own experience of moving to a different country as a child helped her prepare for the role of Julia, who struggles to communicate with the locals in Bucharest. She said, "When I was younger and right out of high school, I moved to the Dominican Republic for about nine months. So I experienced a lot of the same things of just feeling very, very alone and not being able to communicate and have deep conversations with the people around me."

Despite the film's initial lackluster reception, it has now become a must-watch for many viewers on Netflix. If you're in the mood for a spine-chilling horror film, "Watcher" is definitely worth checking out. It's available to stream now on Netflix. So why not give it a watch and see if it lives up to the hype?

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