Famous TV personality arrested for putting kids in danger and possessing drugs while at zoo.

She was arrested yesterday.

September 3rd 2024.

Famous TV personality arrested for putting kids in danger and possessing drugs while at zoo.
Well, it seems like things have taken a turn for the worse for Amy Slaton, one of the stars of the popular TLC show 1000-Lb Sisters. The 36-year-old reality star found herself in handcuffs after a trip to the zoo in Tennessee yesterday, facing a number of serious charges including drug possession and endangering the lives of children.

According to reports, deputies from the Crockett County Sheriff's Department were called to the zoo after a customer was allegedly bitten by a camel. Upon arriving at the scene, they were met with some suspicious smells coming from a vehicle belonging to Amy and her companion, Brian Scott Lovvorn. The Sheriff's Department shared a post on their Facebook page, revealing that both individuals were arrested and taken to jail.

The charges against Amy and Brian include illegal possession of schedule I and IV drugs, as well as two counts of child endangerment. However, it's worth noting that these are just accusations at this point and the defendants are considered innocent until proven guilty through due process of law.

At this time, there is no further information about the reported camel bite or any injuries that may have occurred. Amy has not yet made a public statement about the incident and has been quiet on social media since the news broke. We will continue to follow this developing story and provide updates as they become available.

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