Famous cat from Facebook returns home after 5 days, injured from dog attack.

Felix the cat is getting better.

May 18th 2024.

Famous cat from Facebook returns home after 5 days, injured from dog attack.
Felix, a beloved cat who had become quite popular on Facebook, recently went missing for five days after a terrible attack by a dog. His owner, Lilian Kelley, and her grandchildren were heartbroken when he didn't return home from his usual roaming in West Denton, Newcastle. They feared the worst, especially after receiving a message from a neighbor saying that Felix had been mauled by a dog. Lilian described it as one of the worst moments of her life, comparing it to losing a child.

But after five long days of worrying and searching, Felix miraculously made his way back home. He was seen dragging himself to the front door, injured and weak. Lilian believes he had been hiding in a nearby bush, struggling to move due to his injuries. The woman who witnessed the attack was in tears, describing it as a horrific sight. She said Felix had tried to escape but was caught by the dog and dragged around.

Lilian couldn't hold back her tears when she saw Felix return home. She had never given up hope and was overjoyed to have him back. She couldn't eat or sleep while he was missing, and even slept on the couch with her husband for the first two nights after his return. Felix was immediately taken to a nearby veterinary clinic where it was discovered that he had broken ribs, a dislocated shoulder, fluid in his lungs, and multiple lacerations on his body.

The vet suggested that Felix should be put down due to the severity of his injuries, but Lilian refused to give up on him. She saw him as her precious baby and couldn't bear the thought of losing him. She even opened her Christmas savings to cover the expensive vet bills, determined to do whatever it takes to save Felix. Despite the possibility of never fully recovering, Felix is now at home and on the road to recovery, thanks to the dedicated care of Lilian and the veterinary team.

Felix had been a part of the Kelley family since he was just four weeks old, when he was rescued from a box outside a relative's house. Lilian initially resisted her grandson's request to adopt the tiny kitten, but eventually gave in and quickly fell in love with him. Through Facebook, Felix had gained a following of people who were invested in his well-being and were relieved to hear of his return home. Lilian received countless messages asking for updates on Felix's condition, and a dedicated page was even created to provide updates on his progress.

Upon hearing what had happened, many well-wishers asked the family to set up a fundraising page to help cover the costs of Felix's treatment and to build a secure outdoor space for him. Any remaining funds will be donated to the PDSA as a thank you for their efforts in treating Felix. The Kelley family has been overwhelmed by the love and support shown by the community towards Felix's recovery. He may no longer be allowed to roam outdoors, but he is still loved by many and has even become "Facebook famous."

Lilian is now making plans to get pet insurance for Felix and is considering buying a tracker to monitor his movements in case he ever manages to escape the house again. She is grateful to the veterinary team who helped save Felix's life and to the community for their constant thoughts and prayers. Despite the trauma and expenses, Lilian's love for Felix knows no bounds and she will do whatever it takes to ensure his full recovery.

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