Famous 70s group cancels 2024 tour due to lead singer's cancer treatment.

She said this is just a break, I have more songs to sing.

July 2nd 2024.

Famous 70s group cancels 2024 tour due to lead singer's cancer treatment.
Unfortunately, fans of the iconic American rock group Heart will have to wait a little longer to see them perform live. The band has announced that they will be postponing their remaining concerts for the rest of the year. This includes their highly anticipated 2024 Rush Flush Tour dates, as lead singer Ann Wilson has been advised by doctors to undergo a course of preventative chemotherapy.

This news comes after Heart was forced to cancel their European leg of the tour earlier this year, as Ann had to undergo a time-sensitive medical procedure. Now, their North American gigs have also been put on hold as Ann, who is 74 years old, shared on Instagram that she is currently undergoing cancer treatment and has been advised to take the rest of the year off to focus on her health.

In her Instagram post, Ann reassured fans that she is feeling great after a successful operation to remove something that turned out to be cancerous. However, she has decided to follow her doctors' advice and undergo preventative chemotherapy. She apologized to ticket buyers and expressed her disappointment in not being able to perform, but promised to be back on stage in 2025. Her team is currently working on rescheduling the shows and will inform fans as soon as possible.

Ann also thanked everyone for their support and asked for privacy, stating that this will be her last public statement on the matter. Fans flooded her with messages of love and encouragement, with many sending prayers and positive energy her way. It is clear that Ann is loved and supported by her fans, who understand that her health comes first.

Heart has previously cancelled 14 concerts in Europe and 6 shows in the UK due to Ann's medical procedure. The band, which was originally comprised of sisters Ann and Nancy Wilson, guitarist Roger Fisher, bass player Steve Fossen, drummer Michael Derosier, and Howard Leese, has had a successful career spanning several decades. They are known for hit songs like "Magic Man," "Crazy on You," and "Barracuda" in the 70s, as well as a comeback in the 1980s with "These Dreams" and their classic cover of "Alone."

Heart's popularity and success have also made them trailblazers in the music industry, as they are thought to be the first rock group fronted by a woman. With over 35 million records sold and four Grammy nominations, there is no doubt that Heart has left a lasting impact on the music world.

As for now, fans will have to wait a little longer to see Heart perform live, but we wish Ann a speedy and full recovery. Refunds for the cancelled shows will be available at the point of purchase. If you have a celebrity story, video, or pictures, please get in touch with our entertainment team. We'd love to hear from you.

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