Family forced to leave home due to 'Big Brother' neighbor's spying with camera.

Cancer treatment added to my existing stress and anxiety.

July 11th 2024.

Family forced to leave home due to 'Big Brother' neighbor's spying with camera.
After a lengthy legal battle, it has been determined that Matthew Kenyon is guilty of stalking his former neighbors, Carey and Rachel Styles. The couple had the unfortunate experience of living next door to Kenyon, who quickly became obsessed with them. Nicknamed "Big Brother", Kenyon's behavior escalated to the point where he set up CCTV cameras to spy on the Styles in their own home.

The feud between the neighbors began innocently enough, with a gust of wind causing the Styles' car door to hit Kenyon's vehicle. However, things quickly spiraled out of control when Kenyon demanded the Styles pay for the repairs. This led to a six-year feud that resulted in the Styles ultimately moving out of their home in 2023.

Living on the ironically named Pleasant Street in Widnes, Cheshire, the Styles found themselves the target of Kenyon's obsession. He sent them hateful emails, made false complaints against them on a daily basis, and even researched their visitors in an attempt to drive them away. Kenyon went as far as sending letters to a Roman Catholic primary school where Mrs. Styles worked as a teaching assistant, falsely claiming that she and her husband associated with "prolific cocaine users".

Kenyon's behavior took a dangerous turn when he set up CCTV cameras to spy on the Styles. These cameras were pointed directly at their home, giving Kenyon access to their every move. This caused immense stress and anxiety for the Styles, especially Mrs. Styles who was battling cancer at the time. She was even the subject of two official safeguarding investigations because of Kenyon's false allegations.

In a spiteful attempt to have the Styles removed from their home, Kenyon reported Mr. Styles to the local council and police after discovering that he had unknowingly employed a convicted rapist. This resulted in the Styles being forced to pull out of a renovation project and eventually moving out of their home in October of last year.

During the legal proceedings, it was revealed that Kenyon had kept spreadsheets documenting the Styles' every move. He even went so far as to falsely claim that he had seen them buying drugs from a local barman. Despite his denial of any wrongdoing, Kenyon was found guilty of stalking and sentenced to 300 hours of unpaid work. He was also banned from contacting the Styles for five years under the terms of a restraining order.

However, the feud between the neighbors did not end there. In 2022, Mr. Styles was convicted of harassment after he was caught hurling abusive language and spraying Kenyon's BMW with bleach. He was fined and made to abide by an "acceptable behavior contract". But this did not stop Kenyon from continuing to send complaints about the Styles to various agencies in an attempt to have them removed from their home.

The impact of Kenyon's actions on the Styles cannot be understated. Mrs. Styles, who was recovering from cancer at the time, experienced immense stress and anxiety. She even had to seek medication and counselling to cope with the situation. Her husband also suffered from anxiety and depression, constantly worrying about the effect this was having on his partner.

The Styles eventually had no choice but to move out of their home in order to escape from Kenyon's constant surveillance. They both experienced a loss of self-esteem and confidence, and Mrs. Styles even admitted to having thoughts of not wanting to be alive anymore. Despite moving away, they still live in fear and feel the need to constantly look over their shoulder.

In his defense, Kenyon claimed that he was advised by the council and police to keep a log of incidents following Mr. Styles' conviction for harassment. His lawyer argued that since the Styles had moved, there had been no further issues with Kenyon. However, the court was not convinced and banned Kenyon from contacting the Styles in any way. Any breach of this order would result in him being brought back to court.

In conclusion, the feud between Matthew Kenyon and the Styles took a serious toll on the couple's mental and emotional well-being. Kenyon's behavior was deemed unacceptable and he was rightfully convicted of stalking. The Styles have since moved on with their lives, but the scars of this experience will remain with them for a long time.

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