Family feud on EastEnders as Chrissie's true motive is exposed.

Exciting events will take place in Walford this week.

September 5th 2024.

Family feud on EastEnders as Chrissie's true motive is exposed.
Next week on EastEnders, the Beale and Knight families will continue to face turmoil and drama. The houseguests at the Vic are causing a rift between George and his future wife, Elaine. Things take a turn for the worse when Kojo disappears after a triggering event, leaving George worried for his safety. To make matters worse, their son Junior is in trouble with his father and Cindy Beale offers to help. However, they may soon need to shift their focus to their daughter Anna, who is about to receive some shocking news.

As if all of this wasn't complicated enough, Chrissie Watts also makes a reappearance, and her motives quickly become clear. On Monday September 9th, Elaine is left shaken after a difficult conversation. Meanwhile, George and Kojo have a fun day out, but when they return to the Vic, an accidental triggering causes Kojo to lash out. In the heat of the moment, Elaine explodes and tells George that Kojo needs to leave because they are not equipped to handle his needs. Little do they know, Kojo is listening to their conversation. Tension rises at the Vic and George tries to diffuse the situation by making Kojo a drink. But while he's out, Kojo sneaks out of the Vic, leaving George distraught and blaming Elaine for his disappearance.

As the search for Kojo continues, the circumstances of Chrissie's return slowly unfold. The police get involved, and George starts to shut out Elaine, consumed by guilt. Meanwhile, Kojo wakes up in his hiding place and heads for the tube station. Junior spots him and tries to convince him to come back to the Vic, but Kojo reveals his desire to go back to Ghana. Anna, on the other hand, confides in her brother Bobby about her struggles and he tries to cheer her up. However, duty calls at Beales's Eels, and he enlists the help of Freddie, who is determined not to be alone with Anna. Later, she tries to talk to Freddie, but a dizzy spell prevents her from doing so.

On Wednesday September 11th, tensions remain high between George and Junior. Cindy offers Junior some advice about his relationship with his father, and later, after a touching moment between father and son, Junior reaches out to Cindy to thank her properly. Anna goes to see Freddie, who insists that everything is fine but avoids committing to birdwatching with her. When Anna suggests going for food with Bobby and Gina, Freddie agrees, thinking there is safety in numbers. However, at Walford East, Gina and Bobby get sidetracked, and Priya teases them about being on a date. Freddie makes a quick escape, and Anna confides in Gina, who realizes that Freddie has feelings for Anna.

As the week continues, Anna's troubles only seem to worsen. She tries to talk to Freddie but ends up throwing up in the café. Gina, curious about her symptoms, asks Anna if she could be pregnant. Meanwhile, Cindy almost catches Gina buying Anna a pregnancy test. At the Vic, Anna takes the test and discovers she's pregnant with Bobby's baby. While Chelsea fusses over Amy, who needs space, she convinces Denzel to visit her and lift her spirits. Denzel still blames himself for Amy being at the club on the night of the crush. Jack also reveals that the police are working on the corrupted footage and will soon know the truth about what happened that night.

Lastly, as tensions rise and relationships are tested, Avani's behavior towards Barney becomes increasingly hostile. It is clear that something is bothering her and Barney's attempts to find out only make things worse. Finally, a difficult week comes to a head for those involved in Chrissie's situation. With drama, secrets, and unexpected turns, next week's episodes of EastEnders are not to be missed.

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