Exploring the Rangers' past in Stanley Cup semifinals.

The Rangers have made it to the Eastern Conference Final 14 times since the NHL expanded in 1967, with a record of 4-9 and many memorable moments. Dave Blezow of The Post reflects on their history.

May 22nd 2024.

Exploring the Rangers' past in Stanley Cup semifinals.
The New York Rangers have quite the impressive record when it comes to reaching the Eastern Conference Final or Stanley Cup semifinals. In fact, since the NHL's expansion from the Original Six to 12 teams back in 1967, they have made it to this stage a total of 14 times. That's quite a feat for any team, and it speaks to the Rangers' strong history in the league.

However, their performance in these crucial series hasn't always been perfect. Out of those 14 appearances, the Rangers have only come out on top four times. While this may not seem like an ideal win-loss ratio, it's important to note that these matchups have featured some of the most iconic and memorable moments in the team's history. From heart-pumping victories to heartbreaking defeats, the Rangers have experienced it all in these high-stakes games.

To take a trip down memory lane, let's turn to The New York Post's Dave Blezow, who has compiled a comprehensive look back at the Rangers' past Eastern Conference Final and Stanley Cup semifinal series. By delving into these past encounters, we can gain a deeper understanding of the Rangers' journey to reach this point and the challenges they have faced along the way. So, sit back, relax, and join us as we relive some of the most unforgettable moments in the Rangers' history.

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