Expect chaos with Mercury Retrograde - find out what your tarot horoscope has to say.

Anticipate potential interruptions and conflicting communication.

April 1st 2024.

Expect chaos with Mercury Retrograde - find out what your tarot horoscope has to say.
Make sure you have a backup plan just in case things go awry during Mercury Retrograde. From April 1 to April 25, the planet appears to spin backwards, causing a negative effect on travel, communication, technology, and business. Don't be surprised if you encounter setbacks, delays, or technical issues. It may be a tricky time, but if you plan diligently and have a Plan B for major projects, you should be able to navigate through it smoothly. And if anything does go wrong, you can always just blame it on Mercury.

Let the tarot guide you through this time by recommending a specific area or action to focus on in order to avoid falling victim to Mercury's tricks. Each zodiac sign may be affected differently, so here's what to look out for:

Aries: Your travel plans may be disrupted, so make sure you're well-prepared and have a backup plan in case of cancellations or changes. The Chariot card suggests that there may be issues with transportation, so pay attention and address them quickly.

Taurus: Keep a close eye on any negotiations or deals, especially those involving long-term investments like savings, pensions, or mortgages. The Ten of Coins card advises you to fully understand the details and take your time to make sure everything is secure and solid.

Gemini: Be cautious with new projects, especially those related to home, work, or wealth. The Ace of Coins card reminds you to pay attention to the details and set a strong foundation to avoid having to go back and fix things later on.

Cancer: Be careful with your communication, especially with people in positions of power. The Three of Coins card warns against misunderstandings and suggests being clear, following up in writing, and checking for understanding.

Leo: Keep your social life organized and don't assume others will take care of plans for you. The Three of Cups card encourages you to streamline your events and commitments and not let sloppy planning get in the way of your fun.

Virgo: Stay focused on your goals and don't get distracted by shiny new opportunities. The Devil card cautions against giving into last-minute temptations and advises against switching courses for something new. Be aware of any interference from a well-meaning Capricorn person.
Are you ready for the chaos that Mercury Retrograde brings? Hold on tight because it's coming from April 1 to April 25. During this time, Mercury appears to be spinning backwards, reversing the positive impact of its powers. This can cause some trouble in key areas such as travel, communications, technology, and business. Don't be surprised if you encounter setbacks, delays, or technical difficulties. It's a tricky time, but with a solid Plan B in place and careful planning, you can make it through smoothly. And if anything goes wrong, just blame it on Mercury!

Looking for some guidance during this chaotic time? Let the tarot help you by recommending one area or action you should focus on to avoid falling victim to Mercury's tricks. Let's take a look at each sign and what the tarot has to say.

First up, Aries (March 21 to April 20). The Chariot card appears, indicating that your travel plans may be affected. Make sure you're super prepared when you're on the move. Pay attention to any issues with your transportation and sort them out quickly. Also, be careful when negotiating, and read the fine print carefully. Take your time and be patient, and have a backup plan in place in case of any cancellations or changes.

Next, Taurus (April 21 to May 21). The Ten of Coins appears, advising you to be extra attentive to any negotiations or deals regarding long-term investments such as savings, pensions, or mortgages. Make sure you fully understand all the details and get a second opinion if needed. Take your time to digest everything and don't rush into anything. Remember, long-term investments require solid and secure decisions, so take all the time you need to get it right.

Moving on to Gemini (May 22 to June 21). The Ace of Coins appears, reminding you to be cautious about starting any new projects during April, especially ones related to home, work, or wealth. Pay extra attention to the smaller details to avoid having to go back and fix things later. Take your time, ask for feedback, and visualize any potential issues that may arise. Lay a solid foundation for your new endeavors.

For Cancer (June 22 to July 23), the Three of Coins appears, warning you to be careful with your words when talking to bosses, seniors, or people with influence. Misunderstandings can easily happen during this time, and you don't want to give anyone the wrong impression. Be clear, follow up in writing, and make sure they understand your intentions.

Leo (July 24 to August 23) gets the Three of Cups, reminding you not to let sloppy planning or mixed signals ruin your social life during Mercury Retrograde. Keep your plans simple and organized, and don't assume others will take care of things. Put everything in your calendar to avoid any confusion and make sure the things you want to do actually happen.

Virgo (August 24 to September 23) receives The Devil card, advising you to keep your eyes on the prize. Don't let any last-minute temptations or distractions steer you away from something you've been working hard to achieve. Be careful of shiny new opportunities that may seem appealing but could end up causing more harm than good. Also, watch out for any well-meaning interference from a Capricorn person.

So there you have it, some tarot guidance to help you navigate through the chaos of Mercury Retrograde. Remember to have a Plan B in place, pay attention to details, and stay focused on your goals. And if anything goes wrong, just blame it on Mercury!

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