Ex-student of Christian school shot 6 people; gender and name of shooter identified.

Shooter Audrey Hale, 28, of Nashville was formerly a student at The Covenant School, according to police.

March 27th 2023.

Ex-student of Christian school shot 6 people; gender and name of shooter identified.
The identities of the six individuals killed in the Nashville Christian school shooting have been revealed, among them being the head of the school Katherine Koonce, aged 60. The shooter, identified as Audrey Hale, 28, was reportedly a former student at the Covenant School. Chief John Drake of the Metro Police Department also specified that Hale identified as transgender. The other victims identified were Evelyn Dieckhaus, Hallie Scruggs and William Kinney, all 9 years old; Cynthia Peak, 61, and custodian Mike Hill, 61.

(Image Source: https://metro.co.uk)

Further information is still being uncovered in regards to this tragedy and updates can be expected.

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