Ex-spouse of Black Widow issues caution to men who encounter her.

For 20 years, a notorious killer committed a string of crimes involving murder, violence, and fraud.

September 9th 2024.

Ex-spouse of Black Widow issues caution to men who encounter her.
A former husband of the infamous 'Black Widow' killer has come forward with a warning: no man is safe from her. He believes that she will strike again and continue her pattern of deceit, fraud, and murder. Dena Thompson, also known as the 'Black Widow', has a long history of luring men into marriage before attacking, defrauding, and even killing them.

Her first husband, Lee Wyatt, fell victim to her manipulative tactics in the 1980s. Dena convinced him to quit his job and start a business with her, only to use forged documents to con him out of his life savings. She even went as far as tricking him into thinking he was being targeted by the mafia. Fearing for his life, Lee went into hiding and changed his name, but Dena was already on to her next victim.

Dena's second husband, Julian Webb, was also deceived by her charm and lies. She falsely claimed to have cancer and convinced him to give her over £25,000 for treatment. When she grew paranoid that her two husbands would meet, she murdered Julian by feeding him a poisoned curry on his birthday. His death was initially deemed a suicide, but an inquest later revealed that Dena was responsible.

Over the years, Dena continued to con and defraud men, even serving time in prison for her crimes. But she didn't stop there. In 1998, she married her third husband, Richard Thompson, and began draining him of his savings. When she attempted to murder him with a baseball bat and knife, she claimed it was self-defense and avoided jail time. However, this incident prompted police to re-open the investigation into Julian's death, revealing that all of Dena's ex-lovers had been tricked out of large sums of money.

In 2007, Dena was finally sentenced to life in prison, with a minimum of 17 years behind bars. She was released on parole two years ago, much to the dismay and fear of her victims. They believe she will continue to target vulnerable men and manipulate them for her own gain. Despite being labelled as 'utterly ruthless and without pity' by a judge, Dena is now a free woman and her victims fear she is ready to strike again.

A retired detective who led the investigation into Dena's crimes even stated that he is convinced she will commit further offenses. He believes she chooses her targets carefully - vulnerable men who are lonely and have money. While her current whereabouts are unknown, there have been sightings of her in Reading and London. It is rumored that she is in a new relationship with someone she met in prison, but it is unclear if they are aware of her past.

As her story is set to be revealed in a new documentary, titled 'Black Widow', her victims and those involved in the case are speaking out. They warn others to be cautious and to report any encounters with Dena to the police. Despite serving time in prison, she has shown no remorse for her actions and has been described as a 'manipulator' who will continue to offend. It is only a matter of time before she strikes again.

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