Ex-SAS leader considering running for Victorian election

A potential candidate with an impressive CV is contemplating running for the struggling Victorian Liberal Party in a state election.

June 12th 2024.

Ex-SAS leader considering running for Victorian election
There is a man whose credentials just might make him the perfect candidate for the Victorian Liberal Party in the upcoming state election. His name is Mark Wales, and he has an impressive background as a former SAS major with four tours in Afghanistan, as well as experience serving in Timor Leste, Iraq, Lebanon, and the Solomon Islands. In addition to his military experience, Wales also holds an MBA, has started his own successful clothing business, has dabbled in reality TV, and is a published author.

One might say that Wales has the rugged good looks of a movie star, and he has even had some minor acting roles in various productions. He is also a close friend and colleague of Andrew Hastie, the shadow defence spokesman in federal parliament. In a recent interview on the podcast "Neil Mitchell Asks Why?" Wales confirmed that he is indeed considering a political future in Victoria.

When asked about his motivations for getting involved in politics, Wales explained that it has been a dream of his since he was a child. He always saw it as a natural progression after a successful military career and a stint in the business world. He believes that this diverse background would make him a well-rounded and effective politician.

However, Wales also acknowledges that a career in politics is all-consuming and would require him to give up his current business interests. When asked about his top priorities for Victoria, he expressed concern that the state is not fully utilizing its natural resources. He sees this as a result of an overly progressive mindset that, while beneficial in some cases, can also be detrimental to fundamental economic principles.

Earlier this year, Wales had won preselection for the Liberal seat of Tangney in Western Australia, but he had to withdraw due to a family illness. He has since moved to Victoria and is now considering his options. Although no formal offers have been made, it is likely that Hastie would support Wales if he decides to run for preselection.

In addition to his political aspirations, Wales also shared his thoughts on the current state of the world. He expressed deep concern about the growing divisions within Western society and the breakdown of the post-WWII order. He believes that this is one of the most dangerous periods we have seen since the Cuban missile crisis.

When asked about the potential dangers for Australia, Wales pointed towards the Pacific region and the possibility of conflict over Taiwan. He emphasized the importance of protecting our shipping lanes and avoiding getting drawn into a major conflict. He believes that such a conflict would have a significant impact on the entire world.

Neil Mitchell, the host of "The Neil Mitchell Asks Why?" podcast, has been keeping a close eye on Wales and his potential political aspirations. New episodes of the podcast are released on a weekly basis on Apple and Spotify.

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