Ex-Miss England faces lengthy prison sentence after being charged with drug smuggling in Mexico.

Jennifer Young arrested at Cancun airport for possessing £250,000 of ketamine.

April 22nd 2023.

Ex-Miss England faces lengthy prison sentence after being charged with drug smuggling in Mexico.
Jennifer Young, a former Miss England beauty queen, is making a positive change in her life by travelling the world and working as a model. Despite the recent allegations of smuggling £250,000 of ketamine into Cancun airport, she has kept her family in the dark and continues to make them proud.

(Image Source: https://metro.co.uk)

She was a Miss Derby contestant when she was 17, and has since been a successful model. After spending months in an overcrowded jail in Cancun, she was transferred to a prison close to Mexico City in February. Despite the challenges she has faced, her mother Angela remains proud of her daughter and is hopeful for her future.

Former Miss England beauty queen Jennifer Young, who competed to be Miss Derby at 17, is now facing 20 years in a Mexican prison after being arrested on suspicion of smuggling £250,000 of ketamine. Despite travelling the world as a model, Young had kept her family in the dark about her plight for over six months; her mother only learning the truth just five weeks ago. Despite this difficult and unexpected turn in her life, the 33-year-old is determined to stay strong and fight the charges against her.

(Image Source: https://metro.co.uk)

(Image Source: https://metro.co.uk)

(Image Source: https://metro.co.uk)

(Image Source: https://metro.co.uk)

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