Ex-chief of staff calls Trump a 'fascist'

Trump's former ally revealed that Trump had made multiple comments praising Hitler's actions.

October 23rd 2024.

Ex-chief of staff calls Trump a 'fascist'
Retired Marine General John Kelly, who served as former President Donald Trump's White House chief of staff, recently shared his thoughts on Trump's political ideologies and leadership style in an interview with The New York Times. According to Kelly, Trump fits the general definition of a fascist and tends to favor a dictatorial approach to governing.

During the recorded interview, Kelly was asked if he believed Trump could be classified as a fascist. In response, he read out a definition of fascism that he had found online. This definition included characteristics such as far-right authoritarianism, ultranationalism, and a belief in a social hierarchy. Kelly then stated that based on his experience, Trump aligns with these traits and could be considered a fascist.

Kelly went on to explain that Trump's political views align with those on the far-right, and he admires leaders who hold dictatorial power. This, in turn, reinforces his classification as a fascist. These comments come just two weeks before the upcoming election, as Trump faces Vice President Kamala Harris in his bid for a second term in the Oval Office. Trump's campaign communications director, Steven Cheung, dismissed Kelly's remarks and accused him of suffering from "Trump Derangement Syndrome."

Kelly and other former Trump aides have repeatedly expressed concerns about Trump's perception of the presidency and how he would wield his power if re-elected. According to Kelly, Trump has always seen himself as the most powerful person in the world and expects to have complete control over everything. He believes Trump would prefer to run the country like a business, where he could give orders without worrying about legalities or the Constitution.

Kelly also noted that Trump lacks a fundamental understanding of the Constitution and the values on which the nation was founded. He believes that Trump is not familiar with the concept that government officials owe their loyalty to the Constitution rather than the president personally. This is a new concept for Trump, who has previously made comments about using the military against his political opponents and labeling them as the "enemy within."

Kelly also shared that Trump has made positive comments about Adolf Hitler on more than one occasion. This revelation is concerning as it suggests that Trump may not fully understand the atrocities committed by Hitler and his regime. Overall, Kelly's comments shed light on Trump's leadership style and ideologies, which may be cause for concern for voters as they head to the polls.

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