Eric was approached about a former friend who had left a deceased cat behind.

A friend's cat passed away before her trip and she buried it in her backyard, but desert animals disturbed the site and she needed help before leaving.

September 1st 2024.

Eric was approached about a former friend who had left a deceased cat behind.
Dear Sitter: Let's talk about the delicate matter of your friend's deceased cat. It's understandable that she couldn't deal with the mess before her trip, and you kindly offered to help. However, your first attempt at cleanup wasn't successful and you had to come up with another solution. You decided to bury the cat in your own backyard, as cremation costs were too high.
Now, after years have passed, your friendship with this person has disintegrated. You've returned her key to her house and she hasn't expressed any opinion on your decision to bury the cat. You mention that she can be passive-aggressive and avoidant, so it's hard to know what she really thinks.
But the question remains, what should you do with the deceased cat now? Would it be fair to dig it up and cremate it, or maybe create a box of cremains and send it to your friend? Or would it be better to just leave the cat buried in your yard and not disturb its resting place? These are all valid options to consider.
Dear Downsizing: As you are getting older, you have been downsizing and getting rid of unnecessary things. However, your son's new girlfriend seems to think that you can't afford decorations and keeps giving you arts and crafts that you end up donating. You mention that you would prefer more useful items like fragrance-free soaps, canned tuna, or stamps.
It's important to communicate your preferences to her in a kind and helpful manner. Let her know that you appreciate her gestures, but you would prefer practical items or even a handmade coupon for a lunch date. This will not only make you happy, but also help build a stronger relationship with her.
Dear Distressed: As a comfortably retired, single only child, you are lucky to have relatives who are close by and supportive. However, they recently shared that they plan to move to a different region upon retirement, without considering the impact it may have on you. This has left you scared and conflicted about the future.
It's important to communicate your feelings to them. Let them know that you are happy for them, but also scared about navigating the challenges of old age alone. Ask them to help you think through what this move means for you and your relationship with them. Trust that they will understand and support you, just as you have supported them in the past. Together, you can come up with a plan that will make you feel more secure and prepared for the future. Communication is key in any relationship, and it will help you make any necessary changes in the future.

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