Eric Roberts has starred in 600+ films & won't stop: "I'm a showbiz 'prostitute'".

Eric Roberts has portrayed a wide range of characters, from serial killers to time-travelling doctors to a gypsy.

August 18th 2023.

Eric Roberts has starred in 600+ films & won't stop:
Eric Roberts is the most hardworking and famous actor in Hollywood that you may not have heard of, but you definitely have seen him. This is because he has starred in a whopping 667 movies and TV series - and has 77 upcoming. He is the older brother of Pretty Woman icon, Julia Roberts and the dad of horror scream queen and rom-com darling, Emma Roberts.

This year alone, Roberts, 67, has appeared in 40 projects - including 10 episodes of one show - and the golden rays of summer have not even faded. His career has spanned four decades and over 600 films, all of which show his undeniable talent.

The Mississippi native made his first feature film appearance in 1978’s King of the Gypsies, taking on the lead role of Dave Stepanowicz. This performance earned Roberts a Golden Globe nomination, as did his turn in crime drama Star 80 five years later. He was then nominated for a Best Supporting Actor Oscar for his role as Buck McGeehy in 1985’s Runaway Train.

Following this, his roles included The Dark Knight, TV series Heroes, blockbuster The Expendables, and even a cameo in Rihanna’s B***h Better Have My Money music video.

In today’s era, Roberts is convinced that the criteria of what it takes to be a leading man has changed. ‘Of course, that’s changed and this whole influx of if you have the followers on your social network then you can be a star is not about acting or portraying,’ he explained.

‘It’s not about showing your weight of what you can do as an artist, it’s about being a celebrity which is fine, but they’re plugging that into acting as if that is acting. It’s changed, it’s weird.’

Roberts loves making movies and is a Ficore member, which means he’s able to work on both union and non-union sets, and therefore not bound by union rules.

He told The Agency, ‘I’m the luckiest man in Hollywood.’ His wife told him 15 years ago that he was getting 30 offers every day from all over the world. He said, ‘let’s explore them and we’ll do it a while’ - and he’s still doing it.

He added, ‘It blows my mind that the world wants me in a movie. So, OK, I’ll show up. It’s just so flattering and so much fun and I’ve seen the world for free now a couple of times and I love what I do.’

Not only is Eric Roberts the hardest working man in Hollywood, but he’s also the happiest. It’s clear that he has the talent and drive to stay booked and busy more than four decades after debuting on the silver screen. His passion for acting is evident in the way he joyfully works, and he’s a win-win for both the actor and those who love watching him in his films.
Eric Roberts has been a hardworking Hollywood actor for over four decades, having starred in approximately 667 movies and TV series, with 77 upcoming. He is the older brother of Pretty Woman icon Julia Roberts and the dad of horror scream queen and rom-com darling Emma Roberts. This year alone, Roberts has already appeared in 40 projects, including 10 episodes of one show.

It's no wonder why Hollywood considers Roberts one of the hardest working men in showbiz. The Mississippi native made his first feature film appearance in 1978’s King of the Gypsies, earning him a Golden Globe nomination. His performance in crime drama Star 80 five years later earned him another Golden Globe nod, and his role as Buck McGeehy in 1985’s Runaway Train landed him an Oscar nomination. His other roles include the Batman franchise The Dark Knight, TV series Heroes and blockbuster The Expendables.

The criteria of what it takes to be a leading man has changed, according to Roberts. Instead of weight of what an actor can do as an artist, it’s about having the highest number of followers on social media. Roberts is not afraid of change though, as he has been able to stay booked and busy more than four decades after debuting on the silver screen.

So how has Roberts managed to star in over 600 films? He explains that when digital came in, what would take three months took three days. He was also getting 30 offers a day from all over the world, so he decided to explore them. Roberts may have been lucky, but his talent has allowed him to keep going.

With the Sag-Aftra actors’ strike, Roberts has been able to continue working as he is a Ficore member which means he’s able to work on both union and non-union sets. He loves making movies and those who love watching him in them are the lucky ones. Roberts is definitely Hollywood’s leading man whether it’s film or music.

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